
Calculate actual route time and distance with Waze api

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

Calculate actual route time and distance with Waze API.


pip install WazeRouteCalculator

Tested on Python 2.7 and 3.6, 3.8, 3.10


import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region)
python example.py
From: Budapest, Hungary - to: Gyor, Hungary
Time 69.27 minutes, distance 120.91 km.

calc_route_info returns a tuple (route_time, route_distance) in addition to logging.

from_address and to_address are required. The address can also be coordinates. region is optional, and defaults to "EU". region can be one of:

  • EU (Europe)
  • US or NA (North America)
  • IL (Israel)

Region is used for address searching. Setting base coord parameter. (Removed from route server selection. Looping through all route servers.)

Vehicle types

vehicle_type is also optional, and defaults to "" which is private. vehicle_type can be one of:

  • TAXI

Time to destination will be adjusted based on the mode of transport.

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
vehicle_type = 'MOTORCYCLE'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region, vehicle_type)
python example.py
From: Budapest, Hungary - to: Gyor, Hungary
Time 112.92 minutes, distance 124.93 km.

Avoid toll roads

avoid_toll_roads is also optional, and defaults to False. Setting avoid_toll_roads to True will only return results not on a tollway.

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Chicago, Illinois'
to_address = 'New York City, New York'
region = 'US'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region, avoid_toll_roads=True)

Avoid subscription roads (vignette system)

avoid_subscription_roads is also optional, and defaults to False. Setting avoid_subscription_roads to True will only return results not involving a subscription road (toll roads in coutries that use vignettes).

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Long Branch, New Jersey'
to_address = 'New York City, New York'
region = 'US'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region, avoid_subscription_roads=True)

Avoid ferries

avoid_ferries is also optional, and defaults to False. Setting avoid_ferries to True will only return results not involving a ferry.

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Long Branch, New Jersey'
to_address = 'New York City, New York'
region = 'US'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region, avoid_ferries=True)

Multiple routes

You can get multiple routes using the route.calc_all_routes_info() function:

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region)
python example.py
From: Budapest, Hungary - to: Győr, Hungary
Start coords: (47.467660814, 19.077617881)
End coords: (47.67936706542969, 17.707035064697266)
Min	Max
72.92	80.33 minutes
118.75	120.21 km

calc_all_routes_info takes an optional single parameter, the number of routes to fetch. Note that the Waze API may not return as many possibilities as requested. The function returns a dict: {'routeType-shortRouteName': (route_time1, route_distance1), 'routeType-shortRouteName': (route_time2, route_distance2), ...}.

No real time

You can pass real_time=False to calc_route_info or calc_all_routes_info to get the time estimate not including current conditions, but rather the average travel time for the current time. This would avoid something like traffic accidents or construction that is slowing down traffic abnormally on the day you run it from messing up the data. Note that this is not the same as travel time with no traffic at all, it is simply the usual traffic.

Intercity travel times only

Sometimes you may want to map travel times between cities and just see how long it takes to get from one to other. However, Waze's API will take you between two specific spots in the city, which can add to the time and distance, especially in larger cities.

You can pass stop_at_bounds=True to calc_route_info or calc_all_routes_info and it will ignore travel within the origin and destination cities.

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region)
From: Budapest, Hungary - to: Gyor, Hungary

Time 46.27 minutes, distance 95.29 km.

Time 72.42 minutes, distance 121.33 km.

Leave at

You can pass time_delta=<int> to calc_route_info or calc_all_routes_info to set the leave time from now. The value (minute) can be negative so you can step back and forward. Default 0 = now. The following example shows route info from now + 60 minute.

import WazeRouteCalculator

logger = logging.getLogger('WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region)
From: Budapest, Hungary - to: Gyor, Hungary

Time 73.33 minutes, distance 120.92 km.

No logging

log_lvl argument is depricated.

import WazeRouteCalculator

from_address = 'Budapest, Hungary'
to_address = 'Gyor, Hungary'
region = 'EU'
route = WazeRouteCalculator.WazeRouteCalculator(from_address, to_address, region)
route_time, route_distance = route.calc_route_info()
print 'Time %.2f minutes, distance %.2f km.' % (route_time, route_distance)