Uses rQRCode and chunky_png to produce .png images of QR codes in pure Ruby.
- adamdilekGusto
- alec-c4Asgard Technologies
- alexbevi@mongodb
- andrew@ecosyste-ms and @octobox
- anovedSpaceship Earth
- asachs@Microsoft, Ireland
- bsodmikeInertialbox / RAKwireless
- carylchina
- chengdh中国郑州
- DCarperPittsburgh, Pa
- dragon9783
- dziemian007
- ejmvar
- Eunix@flair-hr
- gonjay
- heaven0sky
- huaican
- hulajesus
- ismaelsYahoo
- jjcallAtlassian
- muratguzelIzmir Turkey
- nlevchuk@Fishisfast
- p-originateOriginate Inc
- panyaminSomewhere
- petebytesApsion
- rawsyntaxRed Hat
- sapronleeChengDu of China
- sskylar@oakstudios
- stevehansellIndianapolis, IN
- suprnova32@Shopify
- trueheart78Fields of Butterflies ♥
- vvdpzzCabooShine
- xdefRussia, Moscow
- XORwellMunich, Germany
- yaakovgamlielhttps://sunbit.com
- yeeliShanghai