Signal Simulator Coordinates Calculator


This is a simple Coordinates Calculator for the Signal Simulator game. Due to the fact that Coordinate Calculation is not that simple, and it would be pretty slow to do it on-hand, I made this little calculator web page.

The Calculator is hosted here.


When you capture a signal and your coordinates system starts generating random coordinates, you should monitor (watch) the coordinates and record:

  • The lowest azimuth you've seen
  • The highest azimuth you've seen
  • The lowest elevation you've seen
  • The highest elevation you've seen

You should keep watching the monitor until you reach a point at which you hardly get any values - lower than your lowest or higher than your highest.

Input your recorded values as follows:

  • Lowest recorded azimuth - Minimum Azimuth
  • Highest recorded azimuth - Maximum Azimuth
  • Lowest recorded elevation - Minimum Elevation
  • Highest recorded elevation - Maximum Elevation

The coordinates will then be calculated by the following formulas:

  • {signal-azimuth} = (({max-generated-azimuth} - {min-generated-azimuth}) / 2) + {min-generated-azimuth}
  • {signal-elevation} = (({max-generated-elevation} - {min-generated-elevation}) / 2) + {min-generated-elevation}

If you've done everything correctly you should receive an output below with values which should be completely accurate. There is a chance of a slight precision loss, but it should be somewhere in the range of 0.1-0.2.


Signal Simulator Game

Depedencies used: