Primary LanguagePython




  • GMM
  • PGnorta
  • Bikeshare
  • other dataset


  • KDE
  • GMM

Generator ML model

  • RNN
    • Attention layer
  • Implement the Poisson count simulator as a PyTorch layer
  • NoisyReinforcedMLP
  • MLP
  • Generator penalty

Discriminator ML model

  • Geoless (compute and minimize W-distance directly)
  • MLP

Evaluation metric

  • Run through queue
  • pairwise plot
  • marginal mean
  • marginal variance
  • Pierre correlation
  • Gaussian approximated W-distance


  • Gaussian gradient approximation precision (when lambda is small)


The tasks are listed in order

Task Approximated time needed
Finalize the C version Run through queue code 1 day
Link the C version Run through queue code to python 1 day
Implement NoisyReinforcedMLP 2 days
Check the old generator penalty code 0.5 day
Compare the performance of (MLP + Geoless) (NoisyReinforcedMLP + Geoless) Writing the code is fast, but there’s a lot of uncertainty in the performance of these model.