init prefetcher, this might take one minute or less...

Opened this issue · 1 comments

hello author

我按照https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/430850089 的步骤走到了模型训练这一步,但是训练脚本跑起来后,一直卡在 “init prefetcher, this might take one minute or less...” ,之后排查了源码发现程序卡在
self.next_input, self.next_target, _, _ = next(self.loader)

(yolox_obb) zibai@eng2:~/opt/YOLOX_OBBG$ bash my_exps/train.sh MEF-G exps/example/yolox_obb/yolox_s_MFE-G.py 0 1 16 --fp16

activate env yolox_obb

Current dir is /home/zibai/opt/YOLOX_OBBG
exp is exps/example/yolox_obb/yolox_s_MFE-G.py
cuda_device is cuda: 0
num_device is 1
batch_size is 16
pth is
other args: --fp16
ready train ....
2023-07-19 09:06:31 | INFO | yolox.core.trainer:131 - args: Namespace(batch_size=16, cache=False, ckpt=None, devices=1, dist_backend='nccl', dist_url=None, exp_file='exps/example/yolox_obb/yolox_s_MFE-G.py', experiment_name='MEF-G', fp16=True, machine_rank=0, name=None, num_machines=1, occupy=False, options=None, resume=False, start_epoch=None)
2023-07-19 09:06:31 | INFO | yolox.core.trainer:132 - exp value:
│ keys │ values │
│ seed │ None │
│ output_dir │ 'YOLOX_outputs' │
│ print_interval │ 10 │
│ eval_interval │ 10 │
│ modules_config │ 'configs/modules/yoloxs_obb.yaml' │
│ losses_config │ 'configs/losses/yolox_losses_obb.yaml' │
│ dataset_config │ 'configs/datasets/MFE-G.yaml' │
│ data_num_workers │ 4 │
│ input_size │ (1024, 1024) │
│ multiscale_range │ 5 │
│ mosaic_prob │ 1.0 │
│ mixup_prob │ 0.0 │
│ hsv_prob │ 1.0 │
│ flip_prob │ 0.5 │
│ degrees │ 10.0 │
│ translate │ 0.1 │
│ mosaic_scale │ (0.4, 1.2) │
│ mixup_scale │ (0.4, 1.2) │
│ shear │ 2.0 │
│ enable_mixup │ True │
│ warmup_epochs │ 1 │
│ max_epoch │ 500 │
│ warmup_lr │ 0 │
│ basic_lr_per_img │ 0.00015625 │
│ scheduler │ 'yoloxwarmcos' │
│ no_aug_epochs │ 20 │
│ min_lr_ratio │ 0.05 │
│ ema │ True │
│ no_eval │ False │
│ weight_decay │ 0.0005 │
│ momentum │ 0.9 │
│ exp_name │ 'MEF-G' │
│ test_size │ (1024, 1024) │
│ postprocess_cfg │ {'conf_thre': 0.05, 'nms_thre': 0.1} │
│ copy_paste_prob │ 1.0 │
│ enable_debug │ False │
│ enable_resample │ True │
│ aug_ignore │ None │
│ empty_ignore │ True │
│ long_wh_thre │ 6 │
│ short_wh_thre │ 3 │
│ overlaps_thre │ 0.6 │
│ evaluate_cfg │ {'is_merge': False, 'is_submiss': False, 'nproc': 10} │
│ export_input_names │ ['input'] │
│ export_output_names │ ['boxes', 'scores', 'class'] │
│ include_post │ True │
│ data_dir │ 'datasets/MFE-G/Bbox' │
│ train_ann │ 'train' │
│ val_ann │ 'val' │
│ test_ann │ 'test' │
│ num_classes │ 8 │
2023-07-19 09:06:31 | INFO | yolox.models.parse_model:18 - overriding modules.yaml num_classes=80 with num_classes=8
/home/zibai/opt/anaconda3/envs/yolox_obb/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/functional.py:445: UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1639180594101/work/aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:2157.)
return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
2023-07-19 09:06:31 | INFO | yolox.core.trainer:138 - Model Summary: Params: 8.05M, Gflops: 55.81
2023-07-19 09:06:33 | INFO | yolox.core.trainer:156 - init prefetcher, this might take one minute or less...

DDGRCF commented