Pinned issues
- 4
When inserted into a syllable, divLines don't become that syllable's colour
#1291 opened by JoyfulGen - 5
[Staging] Neumes sometimes aren't input where my pointer is (reason unknown for now)
#1254 opened by JoyfulGen - 2
Modal window to edit metadata of a folio
#1301 opened by yinanazhou - 2
- 0
Update to Node v20
#1287 opened by yinanazhou - 4
DivLines aren't highlighting when they're selected
#1290 opened by JoyfulGen - 1
Staff lines are invisible when the file is opened
#1297 opened by JoyfulGen - 4
Files aren't opening
#1294 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
Update Ubuntu Version in CI/CD
#1288 opened by yinanazhou - 1
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Feature request: a button that untoggles all syllables
#1283 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
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If Neon removes an invalid zone that is also a linked syllable, the remaining linked syllable keeps its `precedes` tag
#1278 opened by JoyfulGen - 4
[Staging] Image and glyphs not appearing
#1245 opened by JoyfulGen - 5
Deleting the middle syllable in a syllable toggle sandwich makes the first syllable unresponsive
#1271 opened by JoyfulGen - 6
Feature to add `syl` when `syllable` doesn't have one
#1265 opened by JoyfulGen - 2
- 2
Something is weird with the MEI version in Neon
#1273 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
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[Staging] If a syllable has both a `precedes` and a `follows`, Neon doesn't give the option to untoggle
#1253 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
- 0
Include invalid zone ID in notification
#1266 opened by yinanazhou - 1
[Neon staging] New elements input on folio automatically assign to one of only 3-4 staves on the page
#1226 opened by JoyfulGen - 10
[Neon staging] Liquescents and obliques look weird
#1236 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
Neon should notify the uploaded filename
#1261 opened by yinanazhou - 5
Question: Why doesn't Neon care about the dimensions of an MEI file / image?
#1244 opened by JoyfulGen - 1
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Unwanted default clef inserted on new MEI file
#1242 opened by 21CSM - 0
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Creating MEI files from scratch not working
#1260 opened by yinanazhou - 0
`g` toggle missing from the Hotkeys menu
#1247 opened by JoyfulGen - 1
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Every staff is 4-5 staves too high
#1256 opened by yinanazhou - 0
Merge staging changes and create release v7.0.0
#1249 opened by yinanazhou - 1
[staging] Neumes have a delayed reaction to changing a staff's shape or tilt
#1252 opened by JoyfulGen - 6
[Staging] Moving a neume component causes the other nc's of its syllable to move up or down a step or two
#1250 opened by JoyfulGen - 12
[Staging] Clef misbehaviours
#1248 opened by yinanazhou - 0
[Neon staging] Changing a head shape only works after inputting another glyph
#1239 opened by JoyfulGen - 1
[Staging] Glyphs drop after dragging
#1246 opened by yinanazhou - 1
C clefs appear to be centred around C3 rather than C4
#1241 opened by CThierrin - 0
Display `<l>` element
#1238 opened by yinanazhou - 1
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[Neon staging]Inserted neume components don't show
#1232 opened by yinanazhou - 3
[Neon staging] Custodes added after clef octave displacement appear an octave too high/low
#1235 opened by JoyfulGen - 0
Request to change the notification when the user tries to ungroup a syllable that is a single neume
#1237 opened by JoyfulGen - 3
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tutorial video links don't work?
#1233 opened by annamorphism - 2
[Neon staging] Moving a neume component makes its neume move up a step or two
#1227 opened by JoyfulGen - 0