
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Before running for the first time

Run git submodule update --init --remote to pull in berrymotes.

Download the emote data and place it in berrymotes/data/. Avoid running the scraper, so that Reddit doesn't get mad at us.

Copy .env.sample to .env and tweak the values.

Certificate options

  • TLS_TYPE=none

    Serve plain http on $HTTPS_PORT as well.

  • TLS_TYPE=selfsigned

    Generate a self-signed certificate on startup.

  • TLS_TYPE=letsencrypt

    Use certificates from $LETSENCRYPT_DIR (e.g. /etc/letsencrypt). The cert name must match $DOMAIN.


To run (or apply changes): docker-compose up -d --build

To stop and remove containers, keeping database content: docker-compose down

To stop and remove everything, including database content: docker-compose down --volumes

Note that the web and berrymotes directories are bind mounted into the containers, so any changes there will be visible without a restart.

Testing In Development

Simply execute docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up to startup the testing container. This container will autorun scripts specfied in docker/watcher/test/index.js. It has access to all of berrytube's files via the berrytube module that is imported via file: in the package.json.

Each run will perform a yarn install - however, the node_moduels directory is cached locally in a named volume called watcher_node_modules.


The database is placed in a docker volume. To get an SQL prompt, run docker exec -it berrytube_mysql_1 mysql -uberrytube -pberrytube berrytube.