EditorAttributes is a unity package that adds some extra editor attributes to your project to easily customize your editors without having to write any editor code.
Documentation: https://editorattributesdocs.readthedocs.io
AssetStore Page: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/editorattributes-269285
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jKXvXyTzYn
The asset adds over 50 Attributes that:
- Show/Hide or Enable/Disable fields based on one or more conditions
- Easily add buttons with parameter support
- Mark fields as readonly
- Create Enum like Dropdowns for any data types
- Color and personalize your inspector
- Create min max sliders
- Add dropdowns with Tags, Scenes and SortingLayers
- Make data tables
- Add helpboxes
- Clamp or Wrap numerical values
- Group togheder multiple fields
- And more!