Your friendly neighborhood IRC droid
This fork is for Uncodin-specific scripts.
If you wish to contribute to Gonk itself, please fork and send pull requests to Gonk/Gonk.
What is Gonk?
Gonk is an IRC bot written in Go. Its modular design and embedded JavaScript engine make it easy to dynamically add functionality via "modules".
The API exposed to modules replicates that of Hubot, so that scripts for Hubot can be used interchangeably with Gonk with few or no modifications.
Gonk does not currently support CoffeeScript - scripts must be translated to JavaScript before they can be used.
$ Gonk -server=irc.host.com -ssl=true -password=serverPassword channel1 channel2
On startup, Gonk will search the modules
directory and attempt to load any file with the extension .js
as a module.
How to Build
Gonk embeds the Google V8 engine and binds to it with go-v8. This complicates the build process a bit. These instructions assume that a proper compiler toolchain and the V8 library and header files exist on your system in the standard location and that you understand building with Makefiles and the Go workflow (e.g. how to use GOPATH
First, Gonk and its dependencies need to be installed into your GOPATH
$ go get github.com/Gonk/Gonk
This command will appear to fail for go-v8. This is because go-v8 requires an additional build step:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Gonk/go-v8
$ make
This will build a V8 wrapper library for your system in go-v8's directory. You may install this library in a standard location on your system, or leave it here.
Important: if you're not installing the wrapper to your system's library directory, you'll need to declare a couple of environment variables to make sure Go can find it for the build process:
$ export LIBRARY_PATH=$GOPATH/src/github.com/Gonk/go-v8
Now, you should be able to finish building and run Gonk:
$ go get github.com/Gonk/Gonk
$ $GOPATH/bin/Gonk