
A modern Typescript library for creating, reading and editing ZIP archives.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A modern TypeScript library for creating, reading and editing ZIP archives in a client side environment.


The package is available on npm as @shortercode/webzip

npm i @shortercode/webzip


The library is based on 2 classes ZipArchive and ZipEntry. ZipArchive is the primary interface, with ZipEntry instances being created and manipulated via the ZipArchive instance.

Checking the existance of an entry in an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.has(file_name: string): boolean

The has() method returns a boolean indicating whether a ZipEntry with the specified file name exists or not.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

// expected output: true
// expected output: false

Getting an entry from an archive for an existing file or folder

ZipArchive.prototype.get(file_name: string): ZipEntry | undefined

The get() method returns a ZipEntry if one with a matching file name is present, otherwise it will return undefined.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

// expected output: ZipEntry
// expected output: undefined

Creating or updating an entry within an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.set(file_name: string, file: Blob|string|ArrayBuffer): Promise<ZipEntry>

The set() method adds or replaces a ZipEntry with a new entry created from a specific file name and contents. It is asyncronous, and returns a Promise that resolves to the new ZipEntry object.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

console.log(await archive.get("hello.txt").get_string());
// expected output: "hello world"

Deleting an entry within an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.delete(file_name: string): boolean

The delete() method deletes a ZipEntry within an archive. If used on a folder this will delete the folder entry, but not the contents of the folder as the actual folder entry is optional. If an entry is deleted then this method will return true, otherwise it will return false.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

// expected output: true
// expected output: false

Moving/Renaming an entry within an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.move(from_location: string, to_location: string): ZipEntry

The move() method moves a ZipEntry from one location within an archive to another. This action does not require reading back the contents of the entry, hence it is much faster than creating a new file from the contents of another and then deleting it. It returns the entry, which is the same entry as the original location.

Copying an entry within an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.copy(from_location: string, to_location: string): ZipEntry

The copy() method clones an existing ZipEntry from one location within an archive and places the copy in another. This action does not require reading back the contents of the entry, hence it is much faster than creating a new file from the contents of another. It returns the new entry which is unique from the orignal entry.

Create a folder

ZipArchive.prototype.set_folder(file_name: string): ZipEntry

The set_folder() method creates a new empty ZipEntry representing a folder and returns the ZipEntry instance. If a folder already exists no new entry will be created, and the existing one will be returned. If a file entry exists in the location this will throw an error.

Creating entries for folders is optional. Entries are relative to the root of the archive, hence filepaths can imply the existence of a folder.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
// expected output: true

Compress an existing entry in an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.compress_entry(file_name: string): Promise<ZipEntry>

The compress_entry() method replaces an existing ZipEntry with a promise that resolves to a new ZipEntry containing the contents of the old entry compressed using the deflate algorithm.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

await archive.compress_entry("hello.txt");
// expected output: ZipEntry

Serialising an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.to_blob(): Blob

The to_blob() method serializes the ZipArchive in the Zip format and returns the result as a blob.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

const blob = archive.to_blob();
// expected output: Blob

List the entries of an archive

ZipArchive.prototype.files(): Iterator<[file_name: string, entry: ZipEntry]>

The files() method returns a new iterator object that contains [file_name, entry] pairs for each ZipEntry in the archive in insertion order.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");
await archive.set("data.bin", new Uint8Array(1024));
const iterator = archive.files();

// expected output: ["hello.txt", ZipEntry]

// expected output: ["data.bin", ZipEntry]

Reading an archive

ZipArchive.from_blob(zip_file: Blob): Promise<ZipArchive>

The from_blob() method returns a new promise that resolves to a ZipArchive created from a Zip file passed in as a blob.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const input_element = document.querySelector("input[type=file]");

input_element.addEventListener("change", async e => {
  const archive = await ZipArchive.from_blob(e.files[0]);
  // expected output: ZipArchive

Properties of a ZipEntry

ZipEntry.prototype.compressed_size: number The readonly size of the entry in bytes, if the entry is not compressed then it will be the same as the uncompressed_size.

ZipEntry.prototype.uncompressed_size: number The readonly full size of the entry in bytes ( as if it was decompressed ), if the entry is not compressed then it will be the same as the compressed_size.

ZipEntry.prototype.size: number

An alias for uncompressed_size.

ZipEntry.prototype.is_compressed: boolean

A readonly boolean value denoting if the entry is compressed or not.

ZipEntry.prototype.compression: number

A readonly numerical value denoting the type of compression used by the entry. 0 being no compression and 8 being DEFLATE which is the standard compression type for entries within a zip file. The library does not support compressing an entry with anything other than DEFLATE, or reading the contents of a entry that is compressed with something other than DEFLATE. However, you read and modify the properties of the entry with other compression types.

ZipEntry.prototype.modified: Date

The last modified date of the entry, as a JS Date object. This value is mutable, and will be written to the output when serialising a ZipArchive to a blob.

ZipEntry.prototype.internal_file_attr: number ZipEntry.prototype.external_file_attr: number

The internal/external file attributes flags for the entry. These values are mutable, and preserved when reading/writing.

import { ZipArchive } from "@shortercode/webzip";

const archive = new ZipArchive;
await archive.set("hello.txt", "hello world");

const compressed_entry = await archive.compress_entry("hello.txt");

// expected output: 11
// expected output: 13
// expected output: 13
// expected output: true
// expected output: 8
// expected output: Date
// expected output: 0
// expected output: 0

Reading the contents of a ZipEntry

ZipEntry.prototype.get_blob(): Promise<Blob>

The get_blob() method return a Promise that resolves to a Blob containing the uncompressed contents of the ZipEntry. If the entry is not DEFLATE or STORE then this method will throw an error.

ZipEntry.prototype.get_array_buffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>

The get_array_buffer() method return a Promise that resolves to a ArrayBuffer containing the uncompressed contents of the ZipEntry. If the entry is not DEFLATE or STORE then this method will throw an error.

ZipEntry.prototype.get_string(): Promise<string>

The get_string() method return a Promise that resolves to a string of the uncompressed contents of the ZipEntry decoded as UTF-8 text. If the entry is not DEFLATE or STORE then this method will throw an error.



  • Fix: use of Date.now to define task pauses in ZipArchive.from_blob could cause the parsing of large files to block for a long time. Swapped to using a non-decreasing time helper function based on either performance.now, or a simple check against the previous time value depending on API availability.
  • Change: archive.get will now match a folder even if the file name doesn't have a slash at the end.
  • Change: archive.files now returns a snapshot of the archive contents from when it called, instead of a dynamic iterator. This simplifies modifying the archive while looping over the contents of the iterator.
  • Add: archive.move allows you to move/rename an entry within the archive without having to access the contents, avoiding the need to decompress the entry.
  • Add: archive.copy allows you to copy an entry within the archive without having to access the contents, avoiding the need to decompress the entry. The new entry shares the original immutable backing object but is unique so can be freely modified without affecting the original.


  • Initial release