
FEUP: Distribution and Integration Technologies - EIC0077 - 2014/2015 - Book store in Node/Angular/RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageCSS


Books sale platform

##Required software


  1. Edit store-server/config/default.json (namely database access and email account).
  2. cd store-server
  3. npm install
  4. cd public && bower install
  5. cd store-server && node server.js
  6. node server.js
  7. ..
  8. Browse to http://localhost:8000
  9. Register/Login a. Clerk: username: clerk@bookshelf.com – password: bookshelf b. Customer: create an account
  10. ..
  11. Profit!


  1. Edit warehouse/configs/connections.js
  2. cd warehouse
  3. npm install
  4. bower install
  5. node app.js
  6. ..
  7. Browse to http://localhost:1337
  8. Create an account
  9. Login
  10. ..
  11. Profit!