
iLooger is logger library for DE-labtory project.
You don't need to set complicated logeer. Just Import this pckage and Write log.

Getting Started with iLogger


go get -u
dep ensure


Basic example

package main

import ""

func main() {
    iLogger.Infof(nil, "This is Info log")
    iLogger.Warnf(nil, "This is Warn log")

    iLogger.SetToDebug()    // Would you use Debug logger? You should set debug state.
    iLogger.Debugf(nil, "This is Debug log")

    iLogger.Errorf(nil, "This is Error log")
    iLogger.Fatalf(nil, "This is Fatal log")
    iLogger.Panicf(nil, "This is Panic log")

There are 6 Level for log

  • Info
  • Warn
  • Debug
  • Error
  • Fatal
  • Panic

Make log file

package main

import ""

func main() {
    iLogger.EnableFileLogger(true, "./mylog.log")

    iLogger.Infof(nil, "This is Info log")
    iLogger.Warnf(nil, "This is Warn log")

You can write log to certain file path by calling EnableFileLogger function.

Print formatted string

package main

import ""

func main() {
    iLogger.Info(nil, "This is Info log")
    iLogger.Infof(nil, "This is Infof log. %s", "This can use variadic arguments")

Funcfion named aftet 'f' is for variadic arguments.
You can call the others level named after 'f'.