
Implementation of Asynchronous Floodmax Algorithm for Leader Election using Syncrhonizer

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Asynchronous Floodmax Algorithm with Synchronizer


This program implements [Asynchronous Floodmax Algorithm] in a simulated asynchronous general network using multi-threading in Java. The program reads a connectivity.txt file that contains a number n in the first line, as the number of processes, and an array id of size n in the second line. Additionally, line 3 - n+3 stores the graph as an adjacency matrix with 0 representing there's no edge between node i and j and 1 representing there is an edge in-bwteen. In the end, each processes will output its own id, the leader id, and total amount of messages they sent, and then terminate.

There's an extra master thread that spawns threads based on the value of n and assign ids to them accordingly. The ith element of the id stores the unique id of the ith threads. No thread knows the value of n.


  • App.java is the driver class that has the main method. It also reads connectivity.txt and spawns an instance of MasterThread
  • MasterThread.java and spawns n instances of AsyncThread, runs those AsyncThreads and print the result.
  • AsyncThread.java can send message, receive message, and run the algortihm.
  • Token.java is a class that represents a generic token passed between processes.
  • ThreadException.java is the general exception class for this environment.

Compile and Run

javac -cp async-floodmax-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar src/main/java/edu/utdallas/cs6380/*.java

java -cp src/main/java/ edu.utdallas.cs6380.App input/connectivity1.txt


mvn test