EPR Registration Validation Function


This function listens to an Azure ServiceBus Queue, for messages indicating a user has uploaded a registration file via the front end, to blob storage. It retreives the file, and calculates whether further uploads of Brands and Partnership files are needed.

Service Bus Payload


How To Run


In order to run the service you will need the following dependencies:

  • .NET 8
  • Azure CLI


Go to src/EPR.RegistrationValidation.Functions directory and execute:

func start


Run in terminal at the solution source root:

docker build -t registrationvalidation -f EPR.RegistrationValidation.Functions/Dockerfile .

Fill out the environment variables and run the following command:

docker run -e AzureWebJobsStorage="X" -e FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION="X" -e FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME="X" -e ServiceBus:ConnectionString="X" -e ServiceBus:UploadQueueName="X" -e StorageAccount:BlobContainerName="X" -e StorageAccount:ConnectionString="X" -e SubmissionApi:BaseUrl="X" -e SubmissionApi:SubmissionEndpoint="X" -e SubmissionApi:SubmissionEventEndpoint="X" -e SubmissionApi:Version="X" -e ValidationSettings:ErrorLimit="X" -e CompanyDetailsApi:BaseUrl="X" -e CompanyDetailsApi:Timeout="X" -e CompanyDetailsApi:ClientId="X" -e FeatureManagement:EnableRowValidation="X" -e FeatureManagement:EnableOrganisationDataRowValidation="X" -e FeatureManagement:EnableBrandPartnerDataRowValidation="X" -e FeatureManagement:EnableBrandPartnerCrossFileValidation="X" -e FeatureManagement:EnableCompanyDetailsValidation="X" registrationvalidation

How To Test

Unit tests

On root directory src, execute:

dotnet test

Pact tests


Integration tests


How To Debug

Use debugging tools in your chosen IDE.

Environment Variables - deployed environments

The structure of the appsettings can be found in the repository. Example configurations for the different environments can be found in epr-app-config-settings.

Variable Name Description
AzureWebJobsStorage The connection string for the Azure Web Jobs Storage
FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION The extension version for Azure Function - i.e. ~4
FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME The runtime name for the Azure Function - i.e. dotnet
ServiceBus__ConnectionString The connection string for the service bus
ServiceBus__UploadQueueName The name of the upload queue
StorageAccount__BlobContainerName The name of the blob container on the storage account, where uploaded file will be stored
StorageAccount__ConnectionString The connection string of the blob container on the storage account, where uploaded file will be stored
SubmissionApi__BaseUrl The base URL for the Submission Status API WebApp
SubmissionApi__SubmissionEndpoint The 'Submission' endpoint of the Submission Status API WebApp - i.e. 'submissions'
SubmissionApi__SubmissionEventEndpoint The 'SubmissionEvent' endpoint of the Submission Status API WebApp - i.e. 'events'
SubmissionApi__Version The version of the Submission Status API WebApp

Also add the serviceDepedencies.local.json to EPR.RegistrationValidation.Functions/Properties with the following content:

  "dependencies": {
    "appInsights1": {
      "type": "appInsights.sdk"
    "storage1": {
      "type": "storage.emulator",
      "connectionId": "AzureWebJobsStorage"

Additional Information

See ADR-021: Registration Data Upload and ADR-055: Organisation data validation

Monitoring and Health Check

Enable Health Check in the Azure portal and set the URL path to ServiceBusQueueTrigger

Directory Structure

Source files

  • EPR.RegistrationValidation.Application - Application .NET source files
  • EPR.RegistrationValidation.Data - Data .NET source files
  • EPR.RegistrationValidation.Data.UnitTests - Data .NET unit test files
  • EPR.RegistrationValidation.Functions - Function .NET source files
  • EPR.RegistrationValidation.UnitTests - .NET unit test files

Contributing to this project

Please read the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.


Licence information.