
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

FFC AHWR Farmer Apply

Web frontend for the farmer apply journey



  • Kubernetes
  • Helm

Environment variables

The following environment variables are required by the application. Values for development are set in the Docker Compose configuration. Default values for production-like deployments are set in the Helm chart and may be overridden by build and release pipelines.

Please ask a developer for an example .env file that you can include in the root of your project that will contain environment variables overrirdes for local development that are different than the docker-compose file.

Name Description
APPLICATIONREQUEST_QUEUE_ADDRESS Name of message queue used to send application requests
APPLICATIONRESPONSE_QUEUE_ADDRESS Name of session enabled message queue used to receive application responses
MESSAGE_QUEUE_HOST Azure Service Bus hostname, e.g. myservicebus.servicebus.windows.net
MESSAGE_QUEUE_PASSWORD Azure Service Bus SAS policy key
MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX Developer initials
MESSAGE_QUEUE_USER Azure Service Bus SAS policy name, e.g. RootManageSharedAccessKey
SERVICE_URI URI of service (used in links, in emails) e.g. http://localhost:3000 or https://defra.gov.uk
AZURE_STORAGE_CREATE_CONTAINERS Set true to use connection string, false to connect using azure credentials for blobstorage
DEFRA_ID_TENANT The Azure tenant for Defra Id
DEFRA_ID_POLICY Defra Id policy
DEFRA_ID_CLIENT_ID The application ID assigned to your app during the registration with Defra Id
DEFRA_ID_CLIENT_SECRET Secret supplied by Defra Id
DEFRA_ID_SERVICE_ID The unique identifier for your service provided as part of being on-boarded to Defra Id
RPA_HOST_NAME Rural payment agency api endpoint host name
RPA_GET_PERSON_SUMMARY_URL Rural payment agency URL for the get person summary api
RPA_GET_ORGANISATION_PERMISSIONS_URL Rural payment agency URL for the get organisation permissions api
RPA_GET_ORGANISATION_URL Rural payment agency URL for the get organisation api
APIM_OCP_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY Unique key used to manage auth requests with Azure API management
APIM_HOST_NAME Azure API management host name
APIM_OAUTH_PATH Azure API management authorisation endpoint path
APIM_CLIENT_ID Client Id as registered with Azure API management
APIM_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret as registered with Azure API management
APIM_SCOPE Scope of the access token being requested from Azure API management
TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_URL URL for latest service terms and conditions
USE_PRETTY_PRINT Flag to enable pretty logs

Running the application

The application is designed to run in containerised environments, using Docker Compose in development and Kubernetes in production (a Helm chart is provided for production deployments to Kubernetes).

Configuration and secret data are held in Azure Key Vault and populated during the deployment to non-local environments.

NOTE: User data is currently loaded from a file in Azure Storage, an example file is available (users.json) where the structure of the data can be seen along with examples. If user record has isTest property set to true and TEST_TOKEN is valid UUID, then magic link with same token will be generated.

TEST_TOKEN and isTest property should be used for only test environment to enable automation test.

When running the application locally this file (or one matching the format) needs to be uploaded to Azurite container that starts with the application. The storage container the file resides in also needs to be created. The container name is users and the file name is users.json.

Build container image

Container images are built using Docker Compose, with the same images used to run the service with either Docker Compose or Kubernetes.

When using the Docker Compose files in development the local app folder will be mounted on top of the app folder within the Docker container, hiding the CSS files that were generated during the Docker build. For the site to render correctly locally npm run build must be run on the host system.

By default, the start script will build (or rebuild) images so there will rarely be a need to build images manually. However, this can be achieved through the Docker Compose build command:

# Build container images
docker-compose build


Use the start script to run the service locally which in turn uses Docker Compose.

Test structure

The tests have been structured into subfolders of ./test as per the Microservice test approach and repository structure

Running tests

A convenience script is provided to run automated tests in a containerised environment. This will rebuild images before running tests via docker-compose, using a combination of docker-compose.yaml and docker-compose.test.yaml. The command given to docker-compose run may be customised by passing arguments to the test script.


# Run all tests

# Run tests with file watch
scripts/test -w

CI pipeline

This service uses the FFC CI pipeline

#Note: Always make sure to include new parameters in the docker-compose.yaml file before adding to jenkins