

This solution/repo holds the automation tests of Charge, Customer Extension, Delegated Authority, Developer portal, ETrade, Notify, Risk Assessment and Service Status modules

Getting Started -> Build and Test

Original Run Settings file should contain the below values

  1. Runtime parameters in appsettings.json { "AppSettings": {

    "TestConfiguration": {
      "Environment": "",
      "EnvPassword": "OmRWeuOb2eqwioiJeUCwhpBLeIkws9dV", -> Password on the environment used
      "Headless": false, [Values -> true(hide browser)]
      "GlobalWaitsInSeconds": 10,
      "DeviceName": "Windows", [Values -> check from Browserstack]
      "BSOSVersion": "11",
      "Project": "Etrade_UI_Tests",
      "Build": "Local_Etrade_UI_Tests",
      "Platform": "Desktop", [Values -> Desktop/Mobile]
      "IsEmulationEnabled": false, [Values -> to execute tests in chrome Emulation]
      "EmulateDeviceInfo": "iPad Air" [Values -> check from ''],
      "GB_Trader_TST": "", [Values -> "139273110608/paxxxxxword"] -> Override here to run from your local,
      "NI_Trader_TST": "", [Values -> "139273110608/paxxxxxword"]-> Override here to run from your local,
      "GB_Trader_PRE": "", [Values -> "139273110608/paxxxxxword"]-> Override here to run from your local,
      "NI_Trader_PRE": "" [Values -> "139273110608/paxxxxxword"]-> Override here to run from your local,
    "UiFrameworkConfiguration": {
      "SeleniumGrid": "", [Values -> ""], [Values -> "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/"]
      "Target": "Chrome", 
      "IsDebug": false [Values -> true to enable all logs]
    "BrowserStackConfiguration": {
      "CloudDeviceTarget": true,
      "CloudCountryCode": "",
      "CloudDeviceUserName": "nesa_Mz3Bsv",
      "CloudDeviceUserKey": "zWNskRdAsuJtz2yi57oW",
      "CloudDeviceIdentifier": "Test123_Nesa" [to expose local environments via BS proxy]

    } }

  2. How to execute test from local commandline

    dotnet test C:\Working\Defra.Trade.EEHC.Automation\Defra.UI.Tests\bin\Debug\net6.0\Defra.UI.Tests.dll --settings C:\Working\Defra.Trade.EEHC.Automation\Defra.UI.Tests\testrun.runsettings --filter TestCategory="EnvCheck"

  3. Test