
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Directory contains all code related to the API between the database and frontend of the NMP Project

Main Branches

  • main: This branch represents the stable production-ready code. It should ideally reflect the code currently in production.
  • develop: This branch serves as the integration branch for ongoing development. It's where feature branches are merged for testing before being merged into master/main.

Feature Branches

feature/or feat/: Feature branches are created for each new feature or significant change. They branch off from develop and are merged back into develop once the feature is complete.

Release Branches

release/*: Release branches are created when preparing for a new production release. They branch off from develop and are used for final testing and bug fixes. Once ready, they are merged into both master/main and develop.

Hotfix Branches

hotfix/*: Hotfix branches are used to address critical issues in production. They branch off from master/main, contain the fix, and are merged back into both master/main and develop.

Support/Branch for Legacy Versions

support/*: If you need to maintain multiple versions of your application, you may have support branches for each version. These branches can be used to apply critical bug fixes to specific versions.

Experimental Branches

experiment/or dev/: for experimental features or ongoing development that's not yet ready for integration into develop.