
CTF and malware analysis toolkit that helps analyzing, decompiling and searching through executables

Primary LanguagePython


CTF and malware analysis toolkit that helps analyzing, decompiling and searching through executables

How to install

You can easily install katarina and install required pip packages using the following commands

git clone https://github.com/DEMON1A/Katarina
cd Katarina
pip install -r requirements.txt


E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe -h
usage: app.py [-h] file {pe,strings,asm} ...

Katarina v0.0.0-beta, Your malware analysis and CTF toolkit!

positional arguments:
  file              Path to your executable
  {pe,strings,asm}  Available modes
    pe              Extract data on the executable PE headers
    strings         Extract and filter strings located inside the executable
    asm             Decompile and extract information from the executable

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe -h
usage: app.py file pe [-h] [--dump-info] [--extract-pdb-path] [--extract-imports] [--entry-address] [--basic-analysis]

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --dump-info         Dump PE headers information from the executable
  --extract-pdb-path  Extract the pdb path from the executable
  --extract-imports   Extract dll imports from the executable
  --entry-address     Get the entry address of the executable
  --basic-analysis    Get basic information about the PE headers

Example usage

E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe --extract-pdb-path
2024-03-27 07:07:44.908 | INFO     | utils.analyzer:extract_pdb_path:52 - Found a PDP path C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb
2024-03-27 07:07:44.909 | SUCCESS  | utils.analyzer:extract_pdb_path:55 - Found a windows user: tmcguff, Detection method: PDB file path
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe --entry-address
2024-03-27 07:08:20.102 | INFO     | utils.analyzer:get_entry_point:12 - Entry address: 0x0


E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings -h
usage: app.py file strings [-h] [--min-length MIN_LENGTH] [--extract-paths] [--extract-ctf-flags] [--search SEARCH]
                           [--regex-search REGEX_SEARCH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --min-length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimal length for strings to be grabbed
  --extract-paths       Extract windows paths from the executable strings
  --extract-ctf-flags   Extract possible CTF flags in executable strings
  --search SEARCH       Search for a specific string inside of the executable
  --regex-search REGEX_SEARCH
                        Search for a specific string inside of the executable using regex

Example usage

E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --regex-search .*\.exe
2024-03-27 07:05:35.792 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:search_with_regex:52 - Found a match: HelloWorld.exe
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --search hello
2024-03-27 07:06:27.422 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld
2024-03-27 07:06:27.423 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld.exe
2024-03-27 07:06:27.423 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld
2024-03-27 07:06:27.424 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --extract-paths
2024-03-27 07:07:06.329 | SUCCESS  | utils.strings:extract_windows_paths:33 - Found a windows path: C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb


E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe asm -h
usage: app.py file asm [-h] [--decompile] [--address SECTION_ADDRESS] [--before BEFORE_ADDRESS] [--after AFTER_ADDRESS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --decompile           Decompile the executable PE headers into assembly
                        Get the assembly code for a certain address
                        How many instructions to show before the selected address
                        How many instructions to show after the selected address

Example usage

E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe asm --address 0x40bd --before 2 --after 4

Disassembly of section .rsrc:
0x40b7: add     byte ptr [rbp + 0xfeef04], bh
0x40bd: add     byte ptr [rcx], al
0x40bf: add     byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c1: add     byte ptr [rcx], al
0x40c3: add     byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c5: add     byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c7: add     byte ptr [rax], al