CTF and malware analysis toolkit that helps analyzing, decompiling and searching through executables
You can easily install katarina and install required pip packages using the following commands
git clone https://github.com/DEMON1A/Katarina
cd Katarina
pip install -r requirements.txt
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe -h
usage: app.py [-h] file {pe,strings,asm} ...
Katarina v0.0.0-beta, Your malware analysis and CTF toolkit!
positional arguments:
file Path to your executable
{pe,strings,asm} Available modes
pe Extract data on the executable PE headers
strings Extract and filter strings located inside the executable
asm Decompile and extract information from the executable
-h, --help show this help message and exit
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe -h
usage: app.py file pe [-h] [--dump-info] [--extract-pdb-path] [--extract-imports] [--entry-address] [--basic-analysis]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dump-info Dump PE headers information from the executable
--extract-pdb-path Extract the pdb path from the executable
--extract-imports Extract dll imports from the executable
--entry-address Get the entry address of the executable
--basic-analysis Get basic information about the PE headers
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe --extract-pdb-path
2024-03-27 07:07:44.908 | INFO | utils.analyzer:extract_pdb_path:52 - Found a PDP path C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb
2024-03-27 07:07:44.909 | SUCCESS | utils.analyzer:extract_pdb_path:55 - Found a windows user: tmcguff, Detection method: PDB file path
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe pe --entry-address
2024-03-27 07:08:20.102 | INFO | utils.analyzer:get_entry_point:12 - Entry address: 0x0
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings -h
usage: app.py file strings [-h] [--min-length MIN_LENGTH] [--extract-paths] [--extract-ctf-flags] [--search SEARCH]
[--regex-search REGEX_SEARCH]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--min-length MIN_LENGTH
Minimal length for strings to be grabbed
--extract-paths Extract windows paths from the executable strings
--extract-ctf-flags Extract possible CTF flags in executable strings
--search SEARCH Search for a specific string inside of the executable
--regex-search REGEX_SEARCH
Search for a specific string inside of the executable using regex
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --regex-search .*\.exe
2024-03-27 07:05:35.792 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:search_with_regex:52 - Found a match: HelloWorld.exe
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --search hello
2024-03-27 07:06:27.422 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld
2024-03-27 07:06:27.423 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld.exe
2024-03-27 07:06:27.423 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: HelloWorld
2024-03-27 07:06:27.424 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:search_for_string:45 - Found a match: C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe strings --extract-paths
2024-03-27 07:07:06.329 | SUCCESS | utils.strings:extract_windows_paths:33 - Found a windows path: C:\Users\tmcguff\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\obj\x64\Release\HelloWorld.pdb
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe asm -h
usage: app.py file asm [-h] [--decompile] [--address SECTION_ADDRESS] [--before BEFORE_ADDRESS] [--after AFTER_ADDRESS]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--decompile Decompile the executable PE headers into assembly
Get the assembly code for a certain address
How many instructions to show before the selected address
How many instructions to show after the selected address
E:\Projects\Python\katarina>python app.py samples\test.exe asm --address 0x40bd --before 2 --after 4
Disassembly of section .rsrc:
0x40b7: add byte ptr [rbp + 0xfeef04], bh
0x40bd: add byte ptr [rcx], al
0x40bf: add byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c1: add byte ptr [rcx], al
0x40c3: add byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c5: add byte ptr [rax], al
0x40c7: add byte ptr [rax], al