
Music Auto-tagging based on CRNN

Primary LanguagePython

Music Auto-tagging based on CRNN


This reposity is used for keras implementation of Music Auto-tagging based on CRNN.

The idea of CRNN for music classification comes from "Convolutional recurrent neural networks for music classification"

In that paper, there are 4 conv layers and 2 GRU layers in its network architecture. The whole structures shown by below figure:

structures of CRNN

This code refers to music-auto_tagging-keras .


The dataset that we used in this reposity is MagnaTagATune.

Please visiting the-magnatagatune-dataset for downloading it. This code needs Audio data and Tag annotations.

Furthermore, more information about MagnaTagATune will be found in music-auto_tagging-keras.

Directories and Files

├── checkpoints  # saving weight checkpoints
├── constants.py  # const parameters
├── data
│   ├── mp3  # audios with mp3 format
│   └── npys  # mel-spectrogram features
├── models.py  # crnn model created by keras
├── preprocess.py  # preprocess
├── README.md
├── run.py  # train & test
├── requirements.txt  # environment requirements
└── src  # README source
    └── img


Python version: 3.6.8

Install all requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Check and modify const parameters in constants.py

Run preprocess: python preprocess.py

Run train: python run.py train

Run test: python run.py test

