A Python Flask application that can searches and notifies through Twillio when a PS5 console/digital is available.
Article written on Dev.to detailing project purpose, setup, and execution:
Message bot to find a PS5 on sale
- Python 3x
- MongoDB
- PyCharm
- MongoDB Compass
- Docker
Copy the contents of .env.local into a new file named .env
cp .env.local .env
- Setup MongoDb
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name ps5-notifier mongo
- Install Python Dependencies
~ python3 -m venv python-flask-heroku-ps5-notifier
~ source python-flask-heroku-ps5-notifier/bin/activate
(python-flask-heroku-ps5-notifier) ~ python setup.py develop
- Run Tests
(python-flask-heroku-ps5-notifier) ~ pytest
- Run Application for Development
(python-flask-heroku-ps5-notifier) ~ python app.py runserver
Dependency management and interactive debugging are available using PyCharm.
The Configure a virtual environment can help with questions on how to do this.
directory - Rotating 10mb