
Support teachers to find their teacher reference number

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Find a lost TRN

A service that allows teachers to find their Teacher Reference Number (TRN).

Live environments

Links and application names

Name URL (Frontdoor) Deployment AKS namespace Ingress URL
Production https://find-a-lost-trn.education.gov.uk Automatic tra-production https://find-a-lost-trn-production.teacherservices.cloud
Preproduction https://preprod.find-a-lost-trn.education.gov.uk Automatic tra-test https://find-a-lost-trn-preproduction.test.teacherservices.cloud
Test https://test.find-a-lost-trn.education.gov.uk Automatic tra-test http://find-a-lost-trn-test.test.teacherservices.cloud
Dev https://dev.find-a-lost-trn.education.gov.uk Automatic tra-development https://find-a-lost-trn-development.test.teacherservices.cloud

All environments have continuous deployment, the state of which can be inspected in Github Actions.

Details and configuration

Name Description Zendesk Notify qualified-teachers-api Identity
Production Public site Live Live key Production Production
Preprod For internal use by DfE to test deploys Live Live key Production Production
Test For external use by 3rd parties to run audits Stubbed Live key Preprod Preprod
Dev For internal use by DfE for testing Stubbed Test key Preprod Preprod


  • Dev uses a test Notify key so it doesn't send real emails. You have to check the API integration section of Notify to see them.
  • Dev uses the preprod deployment of the qualified-teachers-api which allows us to find the TRNs of test users.

Test users

You can use this user to test that matching works against the preprod qualified-teachers-api (for example, on find-a-lost-trn-dev):

Field Value
Email kevin.e@example.com
First name Kevin
Last name E
Date of birth 1 1 1990
National insurance number AA123456A


  • Ruby 3.x
  • Node.js 16.x
  • Yarn 1.22.x
  • PostgreSQL 13.x
  • Redis 6.x

Local development dependencies

How the application works

Find a lost TRN is a monolithic Rails app built with the GOVUK Design System and hosted on GOVUK AKS.

We keep track of architecture decisions in Architecture Decision Records (ADRs).

We use rladr to generate the boilerplate for new records:

bin/bundle exec rladr new title


Bare metal

Install dependencies using your preferred method, using asdf or rbenv or nvm. Example with asdf:

# The first time
brew install asdf # Mac-specific
asdf plugin add azure-cli
asdf plugin add ruby
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add yarn
asdf plugin add postgres
asdf plugin add redis

# To install (or update, following a change to .tool-versions)
asdf install

If installing PostgreSQL via asdf, you may need to set up the postgres user:

pg_ctl start
createdb default
psql -d default

If the install step created the postgres user already, it won't have created one matching your username, and you'll see errors like:

FATAL: role "username" does not exist

So instead run:

pg_ctl start
createdb -U postgres default

You might also need to install postgresql-libs:

sudo apt install libpq-dev
sudo pacman -S postgresql-libs
sudo pamac install postgres-libs
sudo yum install postgresql-devel
sudo zypper in postgresql-devel

If installing Redis, you'll need to start it in a separate terminal:


Setup the project (re-run after Gemfile or package.json updates, automatically restarts any running Rails server):


Follow the instructions in docs/encryption.md to correctly set up database encryption.

Run the application on http://localhost:3000:



Due to the Service open feature flag which is set to false by default across all environments except Production, you will be asked to sign in with basic auth. You can find credentials in the .env.environment file stored in the ENV variables SUPPORT_USERNAME and SUPPORT_PASSWORD. You can toggle the Service open feature flag to true when developing locally to switch off basic auth.

The support interface for this service sits behind an auth system detailed here.


Notify emails are printed in tail -f log/development.log in local dev.


To run the application locally in production mode (to test that the container builds and runs successfully):

docker build .
docker run --net=host --env-file .env.development <SHA>


To run the linters:



To compile assets up front (needed by the end to end tests):

bin/rails assets:precompile

To run the tests (requires Chrome due to cuprite):



solargraph is bundled as part of the development dependencies. You need to set it up for your editor, and then run this command to index your local bundle (re-run if/when we install new dependencies and you want completion):

bin/bundle exec yard gems

You'll also need to configure your editor's solargraph plugin to useBundler:

+  "solargraph.useBundler": true,

Domain model

The domain model for this application

Regenerate this diagram with bundle exec rake erd.

Ops manual

OPS manual.


MIT Licence.