How to build

cd ant/ # will only work from ant/ dir

How to run

java -cp 'bin:lib' WLTools --tool=prediction --predDurationInDays=42 --stageType=DISCHARGE_CFG_STATIC --startTimeISOFormat=2023-09-24T06:00:00Z --stationPredType=TIDAL:NON_STATIONARY_FOREMAN --stationIdInfo=StLawrence:Deschaillons:gridPoint-540 --tidalConstsInputInfo=NON_STATIONARY_JSON:dischargeClimatoTFHA:OneDSTLT --outputDirectory=NSTidePred/2023100406

How to manually run Sonar Qube analysis

From SonarScanner CLI documentation. First install sonar-scanner, then run the following command. You might need to generate a token first

sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=myAuthenticationToken

You can find the analysis results here.