Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GP8XXX series driver libraries on the Arduino IDE (currently compatible with GP8101, GP8211S, GP8413, GP8501, GP8503, GP8512, GP8403, GP8302)

Product Link(www.dfrobot.com)


  1. DFR1034 --- GP8503
  2. DFR1035 --- GP8512
  3. DFR1036 --- GP8101S
  4. DFR1037 --- GP8501
  5. DFR1071 --- GP8211S
  6. DFR1073 --- GP8413
  7. DFR0971 --- GP8403
  8. DFR0972 --- GP8302

Table of Contents


This library has already provided sample demos for each of the 8 currently compatible products, and users can use them according to their names


There two methods:

  1. To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.
  2. Search the DFRobot_GP8XXX library from the Arduino Software Library Manager and download it.


                                  PWM 系列

     * @fn begin
     * @brief Initialize the function
     * @return 0
    int begin();

     * @fn setDACOutVoltage
     * @brief Set different channel output DAC values
     * @param data PWM pulse width
     * @param channel output channel
     * @n 0: Channel 0 (valid when PWM0 output is configured)
     * @n 1: Channel 1 (valid when PWM1 output is configured)
     * @n 2: All channels (valid when configuring dual channel output)
     * @return NONE
    void setDACOutVoltage(uint16_t data, uint8_t channel=0);

                                  I2C 系列
     * @fn begin
     * @brief initialization function
     * @return returns 0 for success, and other values for failure 
    int begin(void);

     * @fn setDACOutRange
     * @brief Set the DAC output range
     * @param range DAC output range
     * @n     eOutputRange0_5V(0-5V)
     * @n     eOutputRange0_10V(0-10V)
     * @return NONE
    void setDACOutRange(eOutPutRange_t range);

     * @fn setDACOutVoltage
     * @brief Set different channel output DAC values
     * @param data value corresponding to the voltage value
     * @param channel output channel
     * @n 0: Channel 0 (valid when PWM0 output is configured)
     * @n 1: Channel 1 (valid when PWM1 output is configured)
     * @n 2: All channels (valid when configuring dual channel output)
     * @return NONE
    void setDACOutVoltage(uint16_t data, uint8_t channel=0);
     * @fn store
     * @brief Save the set voltage inside the chip
     * @return NONE
    void store(void);


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
FireBeetle M0


  • 2023/05/10 - Version 1.0.0 released.
