
Maqueen plus is a STEM educational robot . Optimized with better power management and larger capacity power supply, it can be perfectly compatible with Huskylens AI Vision Sensor.

Product Image


Table of Contents


The library contains use basic examples for Maqueen Plus like IR, line-tracking sensors, RGB lights, ultrasonic, and servo.


To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.


  * @fn begin
  * @brief Init I2C until success 
  * @return uint8_t type, indicate returning init status
  * @retval 0 Init succeeded
  * @retval -1 Init failed
  uint8_t begin(void);

  * @fn PIDSwitch
  * @brief PID operation control
  * @param state To disable or enable PID
  * @return None
  void PIDSwitch(ePID state);

  * @fn motorControl
  * @brief Control the direction and speed of MaqueenPlus
  * @param motor Motor control selection
  * @param direction Motor rotation direction 
  * @param speed Motor speed(range:0~255)
  * @return None
  void motorControl(ePosition motor, eDir direction, uint8_t speed);

  * @fn getSpeed
  * @brief Get wheel speed
  * @param motor Select left or right motor
  * @return Return the speed of the selected motor 
  uint8_t getSpeed(ePosition motor);

  * @fn getDirection
  * @brief Get rotation direction
  * @param motor Select left or right motor 
  * @return  0: stop 1: forward 2: backward
  uint8_t getDirection(ePosition motor);

  * @fn getDistance
  * @brief  Get the number of revolutions
  * @param motor Select left or right motor
  * @return Return the revolutions
  float getDistance(ePosition motor);

  * @fn clearDistance
  * @brief Clear the number of revolutions
  * @param motor Select left or right motor
  * @return None
  void clearDistance(ePosition motor);

  * @fn getPatrol
  * @brief  Get line-tracking sensor status
  * @param senser Select line-tracking sensor 
  * @return Returns the status of line-tracking sensor
  uint8_t getPatrol(ePatrol senser);

  * @fn getGrayscale
  * @brief Get grayscale value of line-tracking sensor
  * @param senser Select line-tracking sensor 
  * @return  Return the grayscale value of line-tracking sensor
  uint16_t getGrayscale(ePatrol senser);

  * @fn setRGB
  * @brief Set the RGB led color
  * @param colour Select Color
  * @return None
  void setRGB(ePosition light,eColor color);

  * @fn servoControl
  * @brief Servo control
  * @param servo Select servo
  * @param angle Control servo angle(range:0°~180°)
  * @return None
  void servoControl(eServo servo, uint8_t angle);

 * @fn ultraSonic
 * @brief Get ultrasonic distance
 * @param trig   TRIG Pin
 * @param echo   ECHO Pin
 * @return  Return ultrasonic distance information
  uint8_t ultraSonic(ePin trig, ePin echo);

  * @fn getIR
  * @brief Get infrared data
  * @return  Return infrared key information
 uint32_t getIR(void);

  * @fn getVersion
  * @brief  Get version information
  * @return  Return version information
  String getVersion(void); 


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks


  • 2020/09/15 - 1.0.0 Version
  • 2021/09/27 - 1.0.1 Version


Written by TangJie(jie.tang@dfrobot.com), 2020. (Welcome to our website)