
Example of the parse-cloud-express module and automatic webhooks registration

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cloud Code in Express/Node.JS

Take your existing cloud code files and place them in the cloud/ folder. Add the following line at the very top of each file:

var Parse = require('parse-cloud-express').Parse;

Set up some environment variables:

export PARSE_APP_ID=yourappid
export PARSE_MASTER_KEY=yourmasterkey
export PARSE_WEBHOOK_KEY=yourkeyhere

Download all required dependencies with:

npm install

Run your new server:

node server.js

Local testing

Set up ngrok and once your server is launched, run ngrok in a different terminal window:

// Port 5000 is provided as a default in server.js, can be changed by PORT environment variable
ngrok http 5000

Take the URL provided by ngrok, set it as an environment variable, and run the script to register your webhooks with Parse:

export HOOKS_URL=https://something.ngrok.io
npm run register


Cloud Code required you to use cloud/ as a prefix for all other .js files, even though they were in the same folder. That doesn't apply here, so you'll need to update any require statements in files under cloud/ to reference just ./ instead.

The first-party modules hosted by Parse will not be available (sendgrid, mailgun, stripe, image, etc.) and you'll need to update your code to use the official modules available via npm.

The base mount path is set in both server.js and scripts/register-webhooks.js and must be equal.