YaCo is an Hex-Rays IDA plugin. When enabled, multiple users can work simultaneously on the same binary. Any modification done by any user is synchronized through git version control.
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Windows 10 build failed
#58 opened by AmitRein - 1
YaCo not working on Windows 10
#57 opened by ijacquez - 0
IDB is overwritten if yaco is enabled again
#55 opened by MrSapps - 1
initialization of new repo does not work on linux
#53 opened by trou - 1
segment base corruption
#52 opened by SpenserStyles - 5
Is Hex-Rays Decompiler supported?
#17 opened by devnoname120 - 6
Function signature changes not applied to the db
#51 opened by Gericom - 6
Nothing is committed/pushed to remote branch
#47 opened by bl00pbl00p - 9
Failed to fetch origin, error: malformed URL
#31 opened by 7Hazard - 5
Crash when attaching to binary
#14 opened by metal-crow - 3
Are local types supported?
#49 opened by kalaider - 1
Function colors not saved to xml/synchronized
#50 opened by Gericom - 6
Can we have several idbs in one git repo?
#44 opened by saidelike - 4
Error when compiling
#48 opened by soggysec - 24
IDA slow/hang on save
#36 opened by MrSapps - 2
- 1
Build fails on Fedora
#42 opened by jamiehush - 1
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Freezes when asks for a remote origin
#45 opened by a1ext - 1
Latest git does not compile
#39 opened by trou - 2
Constant set as size of struct aren't kept in YaCo
#34 opened by cbayet - 2
Changing the size of a structure embedded in an other structure is not supported
#35 opened by cbayet - 8
Problem when merging array in structures
#33 opened by cbayet - 1
Find Python 2.7 interpreter as required (no fork, no pull request, great job btw)
#32 opened by iNod3 - 4
Non-repeatable comment creates both repeatable and non-repeatable comments
#29 opened by SpenserStyles - 3
msbuild not able to configure libxml2
#19 opened by SBird1337 - 3
Document SSH authentication
#18 opened by trou - 2
No module named yatools
#27 opened by fridtjof - 28
macOS builds
#22 opened by fridtjof - 2
- 6
Large size exceeds GitHub's file size limit
#13 opened by metal-crow - 2
x86 Arch
#21 opened by Michael-K-GH - 3
IDA 7.0
#20 opened by Michael-K-GH - 1
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ssh-agent integration
#8 opened by tpo-anssi - 3
Typo in config_2017.cmd
#12 opened by metal-crow - 8
Provide binaries ?
#5 opened by trou - 9
Compilation failure on Windows
#4 opened by silverf0x