
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chin Chin API

Mongodb API for Chin Chin cocktails app for final engineering project at Makers

Heroku URL


Routes Available for use

To retrieve a list of all the cocktails with names and images https://chinchinapi.herokuapp.com/cocktails/all

To retrieve a list of all cocktails, ordered by the least number of missing ingredients https://chinchinapi.herokuapp.com/cocktails/filter/by-ingredient/:ingredients/:maxMissing? where :ingredients is a comma separated list of the ingredients i.e.Gin,Vodka,Orange Juice where :maxMissing is an optional parameter, and is an integer

To retrieve a cocktail by it's name https://chinchinapi.herokuapp.com/cocktails/name/:cocktailName where :cocktailName is the name of the cocktail, including any spaces and punctuation