
Primary LanguageGo

Authz service

Start up

run go run cmd/main.go < -c / --config > <path/to/config.yaml>

Example: Running with the provided config.yaml in this repo

  • from the root directory: go run cmd/main.go -c config.yaml or go run cmd/main.go --config config.yaml

  • from the cmd directory: go run main.go -c ../config.yaml


For complete tests, run go test ./... (use -count=1 to avoid caching) To run the test suite many times (ex: checking for flaky tests), run ./scripts/repeat-tests.sh For smoketests against an environment, run ./scripts/test.sh <BASEURI> <IDP discovery endpoint> where - is the scheme and authority of the environment where the application is running. - is the OIDC discovery endpoint for the idp to use for login. This ends in: .well-known/openid-configuration Ex: ./scripts/test.sh http://localhost:8081 https://example-keycloak.com/auth/realms/public/.well-known/openid-configuration NOTE: When running locally, it must use the spicedb store.


run go build -o authz cmd/main.go or make binary


Authz service development guide