- 0xhanh
- ageis0xB604C32AD5D7C6D8
- amandasanseverino
- bhughesshelton
- bmschmidtNomic
- cberretUniversity of British Columbia
- christofsTrier University, Germany
- davidwabnitz@kreuzwerker
- diegosiqueir4Ruhr University Bochum
- dubmassacre
- histlib
- IllDepence
- jeremy-allenPosit
- jon-chunKenyon College
- JonathanReeve@lit-mod-viz
- jwcastilloSantiago de Chile, Chile
- lukasfx
- nathanieldeinesJ. Paul Getty Trust
- rsouzaRBI | Wien Universität | FGV | UFMG
- samspo
- sashasaurusGainesville, FL
- SinaB0ck
- smythp@chainguard-dev
- tcatapano@plazi; UC Berkeley; @cu-mkp
- tharmanBerlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- triplingualYale University Library
- vikjam
- vmussaA de Agro, @basedosdados, @LABHDUFBA, PPGSA/UFRJ
- wjeuissteusLeipzig, Germany
- wjnbreuNew York, NY