This addon helps you receive data from the Bare Conductive's Touch Board in a simple and convenient way.
This is a fork of the original repo. I've altered it to autoconnect to the touch board by looking at the PId and VId values of the connected usb devices. August 2017
MIT License, see
Just drop the folder into the openFrameworks/addons/
To receive data from your Touch Board you need to upload the DataStream
program on it.
See the examples for how to use this addon in your app. The following methods are available:
Setup the Touch Board. This method will ask you the device id of your Touch Board (don't use this if you have multiple Touch Boards).
setup(int deviceId)
Setup the Touch Board corrresponding to deviceId
(use this when using multiple Touch Boards).
Update the data received from the Touch Board, call this every frame.
Get a vector of boolean containing the touch status of each electrode of the Touch Board.
draw(float x, float y)
Draw a bar graph with filtered data and baseline value.
ofEvent<int> touched
Touch event you can register to.
ofEvent<int> released
Release event you can register to.
Get a vector of ofxTB::Electrode
containing normalized data.
Other available methods:
Log data to the console.
printData(float x, float y)
Print an array of data from the Touch Board (normalized between 0.0 and 1.0).
printRawData(float x, float y)
Print an array of raw data from the Touch Board.
useBoardThresholds(bool b)
Use thresholds from the Touch Board or from the addon to detect touch and release.
Get a vector of ofxTB::Electrode
containing raw data.
Get a vector of ofParameter<float>
corresponding to the touch thresholds of the addon.
Get a vector of ofParameter<float>
corresponding to the release thresholds of the addon.
Get an ofParameterGroup
containing the touch thresholds of the addon (easy to use with ofxGui).
Get an ofParameterGroup
containing the release thresholds of the addon (easy to use with ofxGui).
The ofxTB::Electrode
structure is like this:
struct Electrode {
// Touch
bool touch;
// Touch threshold
float tths;
// Release threshold
float rths;
// Filtered data
float fdat;
// Baseline val
float bval;
// Difference between 'bval' and 'fdat'
float diff;
None for the addon. ofxGui for the examples.
This addon works with oF 0.8.4 on Linux, Mac OS X and Raspberry Pi (v1 and v2).
You found a bug or want to improve this addon? Please, open an issue!
Don't setup your boards with setup()
when using multiple boards, use setup(int deviceId)