Pacman code was used to implement:
- Li algo (BFS in 2-dimensional space)
- A* (Manhattan way)
- Reduce A* to a greedy algorithm
- Collect all coins
- Path around corners
Pacman code was used to implement:
- Minimax
- Minimax with alpha-beta pruning
- Expectimax
- Evaluation function
PyQT5 and chess libs were used to implement:
- Chess game desktop GUI
- NegaMax
- NegaScout
- Principal Variation Search
PyQT5 and chess libs were used to implement:
- Chess game desktop GUI
- Monte Carlo Tree Search
Gridworld code was used to implement:
- Value Iteration
- Policies
- Q-Learning
- Epsilon Greedy
git clone
cd lab3
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt