SQLite traces from multi-thread applications


Generic statistics

The number of conflict txns below are retrieved by static analysis (on table name)

Facebook Twitter Calendar Map Gmail
# threads 180 30 30 22 38
# GG threads 22 28 20 17 145
# queries 11836 27918 19564 5521 20111
# GG queries 3284 4522 1456 3163 336789

Number of queries which belong to a conflict transaction

Note: Conflict is considered on DB level

Facebook Twitter Calendar Map Gmail
Most conflict db newsfeed_db 1479345335860621312-61.db calendar.db phenotype.db phenotype.db
% conflict read 122 175 20 10 8
% conflict write 913 1340 133 48 174
% conflict GG read 78 72 32 580 35973
% conflict GG write 83 60 25 2113 131573

Concurrent threads

All statistics below are collected from accesses to the same database file. More info here.

Facebook Twitter GG Play service Calendar Map
1 thread 3519 14635 267835 14192 3002
2 threads 211 750 50167 1711 355
3 threads 13579
4 threads 4280
5 threads 48