Java SAX based XML processor for the CSIP METS Profile. Performs the following tasks:
- schema aware parsing and validation of the METS profile;
- generation of metadata requirements tables from Profile requirements;
- checks for duplicate requirement ID allocation; and
- reports gaps in the ID sequence (in preparation for deprecation reporting).
This is a Java project and is built using Maven. You'll need a copy of this project sub-directory, from a git clone, git clone
or a source package download.
From within this project sub-directory, e.g. mets-profile-processor
issue the Maven command: mvn clean package
to run tests and build.
It's just a basic SAX processor for the profile with some Markdown output.
Main entry point for fat JAR package, sequences parsing user input and running the SAX handler.
Parses the String
args array and records the user options in a dedicated
SAX event driven handler for METS Profile, parses Requirements
lists from
Profile XML document.
Buffers XML element text and handles output (for now.....)
- Stronger data typing for
- Requirement validation, e.g. non-empty fields etc.
- Group think for other validation activities.
- Markdown table generation
file template selection -
file template substitution - Generalise vanilla METS Profile handling to base class
- fix SaxExceptions from OutputHandler class