
Primary LanguageShell


The smud CLI will make maintanance of your fork of DIPS' GitOps repository easier by providing simple commands for the most common tasks, such as:

  • Listing the versions wich products are installed in which environments in which versions.
  • Upgrading a set products at a time.


  • linux computer or WSL
  • curl installed on the computer

First time installation of smud CLI on the computer

Simple installation (recommended)

  1. Open powershell or bash console
  2. Run the command:
    bash -c "curl --ssl-no-revoke -H Accept:application/vnd.github.v3.raw https://api.github.com/repos/DIPSAS/smud-cli/contents/smud-cli/download-and-install-cli.sh | bash"

Manual Download and install

  1. Download the latest release releases/Latest/download-and-install-cli.sh
  2. Open powershell or bash console
  3. Run the command(s):
    cd [Downloaded-folder]
    bash -c ". ./download-and-install-cli.sh; rm ./download-and-install-cli.sh"

Install information

This will install the tool to the ~/smud-cli-folder.
The ~.bashrc-file will be updated with ~/smud-cli/.bash_aliases

Update the smud CLI

When the smud CLI already is installed on the computer, run the following command to update it:

smud update-cli

Using the smud CLI

Use the --help for investigating commands and options available:

smud --help