
Neo4j Training Sessions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Neo4j Training Sessions

8 weekly training sessions to grasp the basic intricacies of Neo4j graph database


  • Seeing the big picture
  • Best practices
  • Secret sauces


  • For non-developers (30 mins): informal, enjoyable, real-life example
  • For developers (30 mins): hands-on & reproducible
    • Step by step help attendees perfoming tasks needed for an end-to-end showcase.
    • Providing an approach how to deal with a real-life example with a set of selective technologies and tools,properly constructed, and tested.
    • Identifying pieces that can be reused later in related projects.
    • Simple to reproduce so every attendee can self-repeat the hands-on whenever and wherever needed.
    • Document well enough so it would be easy to use.


  • One session per week


  • A few online slides
  • Most are reproducible dockers, github repos, etc.

Session 1: "I thought Christmas only comes once a year."

Business Perspectives (20 mins) - Neo4j overview

  • An example of Rumor spreading: JOIN-ing infinite number of SQL tables is discussed to showcase needs for handling graph data is discussed. What traditional do SQL databases offer for these cases, and how can it be solved with Neo4j.
  • Three business cases of why, how, and with what results organizations such as US Army, Mosanto, and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) tranform some of their data, processes, and applications to Neo4j.
  • A brief discussion of what the Neo4j ecosystem consists of, how to get more information, and how to actively start using for your business cases.

Session Story (10 mins) - the James Bond movies datasets

  • A dataset of James Bond movies is collected by harvesting data from the IMBD (www.imdb.com) site and merged with a previously gathered data from Wikipedia. This dataset contains basic information about the movies: IMDB url, movie name, year of release, synopsis, IMDB votes, directors, and actors.
  • The dataset is sent through a data processing pipeline consisting of two Stanford NLP taggers - Part-of-Speech and Named Entity - to extract Key Phrases and Named Entities from the synopses.
  • All entities are persisted into a graph managed by a local Dockerized Neo4j container, creatded by using neo4j-algo-apoc github repo.
  • A few Cypher queries are used to showcase: how to aggregate data, how to find out relationships, and how to detect similarities in the dataset.
  • How can this graph database can be enriched and what purposes it might serve?

For more information:

Hands-on Lab (30 mins) - the devil is in details

  1. Get the dataset:
  • harvesting data (movie, directors, actors, rarting, votes, ...) from imdb.com with scrapper-0.1:imdb as a micro service
  • reusing existing data from Wikipedia from a tab-separated file
  1. Process the harvested data through a data pipeline called pipeline-0.1:imdb
  • stanford-nlp-3.9.2:pos: Stanford NLP Part-of-Speech tagger docker (as micro service)
  • stanford-nlp-3.9.2:ner: Stanford NLP Named Entity tagger docker (as micro service)
  • store the entities and their relationships in a storage called neo4j-3.5.5:algo-apoc, which is a neo4j docker with APOC and ALGO libraries.
  1. Visualization and queries with Neo4j browser, and answering a few questions
  • how the meta graph look like?
  • what are the representing features of some movies?
  • what is the number pf average votes per movie of an actor?
  • what actors, directors participated in most of the film production?
  • what actors could have worked with same directors many times (strong influence)

For more information:

Session 2: Next job recommendations

Business case

  • Objective: recommending natural next jobs from 1M+ job ads.
  • Approach:
    • Suggesting jobs based on collaborative-based filtering - top most common transitions from a job
    • Using a standard occupation classification system with tree-like structure and clusters of verified job titles serving as anchor points for matching users' and job ads' job titles. Matching job titles based on content-based filtering using Natural Language Processing with ML models for sentence tagging to extract key phrases from job title such as software developer, project manager, ...
    • Improve recommendation quality by using geographical information of user's and job ads' locations

Technology aspects

  • Datasets/APIs/toolkits:
    • Kaggle Job Recommendation Challenge contributed by CareerBuilder.
    • Standard Occupaction Classifications (SOC) 2010 from US Bureau of Labour and Statistics (BLS) and O*NET organization for occupations, job titles, tech skills, tools used.
    • Stanford Core Natural Language Processing - Staford CoreLNP version 3.9.2 for Part-of-Speech tagging job titles, turning them into key phrases.
    • Natural Language Toolkit - NLTK version 3.4.3 for lemmatization and stemming of English words.
    • OpenStreetMap - OSM server for geocoding location's coordinates.
  • Technology framework:
    • Neo4j graph database
    • Docker containers as Micro Services:
      • Neo4j CE version 3.5.5, exposing via both HTTP (7474) and Bolt (7687) interfaces
      • Stanford 3.9.2 POS Tagger, exposing via socket (8001)
      • NLTK-wrapped around by Python bottle web framework and waitress WSGI server
    • Neo4j browser for query executions

For more information:

For more information:

Session 3: Large data import and simple analysis of survey data

Business case

  • Objective: provide simple statistics for school survey response rate
  • Approach:
    • Importing current dataset of registrations and survey reponses
    • Providing simple statistics

Technology aspects

  • Using neo4j-admin special import feature for large data import at high performance.
  • Preparing data - normalize, entities, relationships, headers, etc for import
  • Using apoc.csv.export.query to export data in csv format.

For more information:

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Session 4: Data streaming with Kafka

Business case

  • Objective: connecting various apps into the Kafka - Neo4j streaming framework, reducing connectivity complexity, and enabling data consuming for different scenarios.
  • Approach:
    • Integration of Kafka with Neo4j
    • Showcasing ability using different clients (command-line, Java, Python, HTTP)

Technology aspects

  • Creating and running a complete Kafka cluster on a single machine.
  • Testing connectivity and data producing/consuming features for various clients.
  • Showcasing Neo4j just-in-time data warehousing.

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Session 5: Data visualization

Business case

  • Objectives:

    • Demonstrate capabilities of visualizing to gain insights by discovery.
    • Introduction of different visualization tools and how to use them.
  • Approach:

    • CSPS registration/survey dataset
    • Browser

Technology aspects

  • Tools:
    • GraphXR cloud, JS scripts from browser connect to local Neo4j instance
    • Gephi standalone app, data streaming from a Neo4j instance
    • Node.js app with Neovis.js, perform Cypher queries to backend Neo4j instance.

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Session 6: Graph exploration and algorithms

Business case

  • Objectives:

    • Demonstrate capabilities of exploring the graph visually
    • Using virtual graph to group, delegate, refactor subgraphs
    • Showing capabilities with tabular data
  • Approach:

    • CSPS registration/survey dataset
    • Browser

Technology aspects

  • Tools:
    • Exploration with pure Cypher
    • Using virtual nodes and relationships
    • Using Harmonic Centrality and Louvain Community Detection

For more information:

  • No presentation for this session, only hands-on.

For more information:

Session 7: The GRAND Stack

Business case

Modern tools for building full stack apps

GRANDstack is a combination of technologies that work together to enable developers to build data intensive full stack applications. The components of GRANDstack are:

  • GraphQL - A new paradigm for building APIs, GraphQL is a way of describing data and enabling clients to query it.
  • React - A JavaScript library for building component based reusable user interfaces.
  • Apollo - A suite of tools that work together to create great GraphQL workflows.
  • Neo4j Database - The native graph database that allows you to model, store, and query your data the same way you think about it: as a graph.

Technology aspects

  • Tools:
    • React with Apollo
    • Neo4-GraphQL database plugin
    • neo4j-graphql-js (& Neo4j Javascript Bolt driver)
    • GraphiQL

For more information:

  • No presentation for this session, only hands-on.

For more information:

Session 8: Streaming and visualizing data

Demonstrating concepts of streaming and visualizing data

  • CSPS data consists of course/offering/registration/learner/survey/etc entities

  • GRANDstack is a combination of technologies that work together to enable developers to build data intensive full stack applications.

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