Pinned issues
- 3
Feature - wasm: support Web Audio Modules
#475 opened by dromer - 30
WebView UI: More customization?
#462 opened by sevenc-nanashi - 2
- 0
Version number improvement?
#469 opened by sevenc-nanashi - 3
- 1
A widget to embed external UI
#465 opened by sevenc-nanashi - 1
States: Allow saving binary data
#464 opened by sevenc-nanashi - 3
double precision processing support
#461 opened by Soulusions - 0
- 7
GUI startup delay under X11
#451 opened by Krasjet - 0
Example Meters plugin leaks memory on Windows
#459 opened by tarnith - 9
- 0
Automatic Scaling doesn't work on Linux Mint
#455 opened by chrisherb - 0
LV2: stateChanged not triggered on UI side when using requestFileState file dialog
#454 opened by eventual-recluse - 3
- 7
- 6
Unrecognized target type for plugin: lv2_sep
#449 opened by rty65tt - 4
Clap: wrong Sample Rate on init
#446 opened by brummer10 - 7
UI parameter changes require window focus first
#445 opened by MattKuebrich - 6
Make keyboard focus a compile time macro
#415 opened by dromer - 5
VST3: first parameter always set to default from save
#442 opened by isivisi - 1
- 0
- 1
Any good idea to profile `Plugin::run()`?
#430 opened by AnClark - 5
[branch: latest develop from today] arch: Windows Issue: Cairo widgets going black
#437 opened by brummer10 - 3
- 0
build error: DISTRHO::String is not literal
#440 opened by thirtythreeforty - 4
Window: DGL Cairo has a critical bug on rendering
#438 opened by AnClark - 1
- 4
- 3
Create MOD plug with custom UI
#434 opened by brummer10 - 18
- 5
dgl/src/pugl-upstream point to unexistent commit
#431 opened by mazes-80 - 2
CLAP validator errors
#412 opened by dromer - 0
Example Makefile
#429 opened by to7m - 4
- 17
How to correctly handle external UI with scale factor
#428 opened by AnClark - 13
- 6
How to add context menu to DGL plugin UI?
#426 opened by AnClark - 7
- 3
cross compilation for elk audio os
#425 opened by laenzlinger - 2
Reporting a vulnerability
#420 opened by igibek - 1
UI modifier key behaviour is broken
#424 opened by dromer - 3
sample accurate parameters?
#422 opened by recallmenot - 1
Support for double precision?
#423 opened by kiwijam - 2
External UI: Load and destroy for at least 2 times
#418 opened by AnClark - 5
Same codebase behaves much different among formats
#411 opened by AnClark - 1
External UI with CMake
#416 opened by bandithedoge - 1
LV2 and CLAP port groups not visible in Reaper
#414 opened by dromer - 2
Current state of Plugin::updateStateValue()
#410 opened by lucianoiam