
Implementation of "Strong-Weak Distribution Alignment for Adaptive Object Detection"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • not support multi-batch
  • if has nan: not backward()
  • try run on RTX 2080 Ti failed

train cmd

conda activate py36

rlaunch --cpu 12 --memory 70000 --gpu 1  -- python \                         
 trainval_net_global_local.py \                     
    --dataset rpc_syn --dataset_t rpc_syn --net res101 \
    --cuda --nw 4  --gc --lc  --bs 1

val cmd

conda activate py36

rlaunch --cpu 12 --memory 17000 --gpu 1  -- python test_net_global_local.py \
  --dataset rpc_val --net res101 \
  --cuda --lc --gc  --load_name models/res101/rpc_syn/globallocal_target_rpc_eta_0.1_local_context_True_global_context_True_gamma_5_session_1_epoch_12_step_9999.pth


Follow faster-rcnn repository to setup the environment. When installing pytorch-faster-rcnn, you may encounter some issues. Many issues have been reported there to setup the environment. We used Pytorch 0.4.0 for this project. The different version of pytorch will cause some errors, which have to be handled based on each envirionment.

Data Preparation

  • PASCAL_VOC 07+12: Please follow the instructions in py-faster-rcnn to prepare VOC datasets.
  • Clipart, WaterColor: Dataset preparation instruction link Cross Domain Detection . Images translated by Cyclegan are available in the website.
  • Sim10k: Website Sim10k
  • Cityscape-Translated Sim10k: TBA
  • CitysScape, FoggyCityscape: Download website Cityscape, see dataset preparation code in DA-Faster RCNN

All codes are written to fit for the format of PASCAL_VOC. For example, the dataset Sim10k is stored as follows.

$ cd Sim10k/VOC2012/
$ ls
Annotations  ImageSets  JPEGImages
$ cat ImageSets/Main/val.txt

If you want to test the code on your own dataset, arange the dataset in the format of PASCAL, make dataset class in lib/datasets/. and add it to lib/datasets/factory.py, lib/datasets/config_dataset.py. Then, add the dataset option to lib/model/utils/parser_func.py.

Data Path

Write your dataset directories' paths in lib/datasets/config_dataset.py.

Pretrained Model

We used two models pre-trained on ImageNet in our experiments, VGG and ResNet101. You can download these two models from:

Download them and write the path in __C.VGG_PATH and __C.RESNET_PATH at lib/model/utils/config.py.

sample model

Global-local alignment model for watercolor dataset.


  • Sample training script is in a folder, train_scripts.
  • With only local alignment loss,
 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_ID python trainval_net_local.py \
                    --dataset source_dataset --dataset_t target_dataset --net vgg16 \

Add --lc when using context-vector based regularization loss.

  • With only global alignment loss,
 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_ID python trainval_net_global.py \
                    --dataset source_dataset --dataset_t target_dataset --net vgg16 \

Add --gc when using context-vector based regularization loss.

  • With global and local alignment loss,
 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_ID python trainval_net_global_local.py \
                    --dataset source_dataset --dataset_t target_dataset --net vgg16 \

Add --lc and --gc when using context-vector based regularization loss.


  • Sample test script is in a folder, test_scripts.
 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_ID python test_net_global_local.py \
                    --dataset target_dataset --net vgg16 \
                    --cuda --lc --gc --load_name path_to_model


Please cite the following reference if you utilize this repository for your project.

  title={Strong-Weak Distribution Alignment for Adaptive Object Detection},
  author={Saito, Kuniaki and Ushiku, Yoshitaka and Harada, Tatsuya and Saenko, Kate},