Midi Fighter Twister - Open Source Firmware


The MF Twister Project makes use of the Atmel ASF extensions & LUFA Module.

To compile, the following symbols must be defined


The compiler must also link libm

The project also requires a user board configuration header file. If this is missing add the following to conf_board.h


How to build using Microchip Studio (Windows-only)

You need Microchip Studio which can be downloaded here

  1. Inside Micropchip Studio, open the Midi_Fighter_Twister.atsln solution
  2. Select the desired configuration (Debug or Release)
  3. Build the solution via Build > Build Solution

The resulting Midi_Fighter_Twister.hex file now can be found in the respective Debug or Release target directory


You need the Midi Fighter Utility which can be downloaded here

  1. Connect the Midi Fighter Twister to your computer directly (DO NOT USE A USB HUB!)
  2. Launch the Midifighter Utility software which should automatically detect the connected device. (If not, make sure that no other software is currently using the Midifighter Twister!)
  3. Tools > Midifighter > Load Custom Firmware > For a Twister
  4. Navigate to the Midi_Fighter_Twister.hex file and open it
  5. Choose "Yes" to proceed
  6. Wait until the firmware update process is completed