
An extension for Backgrid.js that allows users to play with sub-tables.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yo' dawg, I heard you like grids. This extension of Backgrid.js allows the user to attach a collection to each individual model. For larger projects that handle complex sets of components. It follows the same structure of Backgrid.js to provide offers a simple programming solution.

Backgrid-subgrid-cell.js offers the user a choice of organizing their data so that fits best. Keeping the data structure formed by Backbone.js, this tool


  • Like Backgrid.js, Solid foundation. Based on Backbone.js.
  • Like Backgrid.js, Semantic and easily stylable.
  • Like Backgrid.js, Easy things are easy, hards things possible.
  • Like Backgrid.js, Components are just simple Backbone View classes, customization is easy.
  • Like Backgrid.js, Goodish documentation.

Getting Started

Before you jump into this extension


// define the child columns
var subcolumns = [ 
    { name: "id", label: "", cell: "integer"},
    { name: "name", label: "Name", cell: "string"}, 
    { name: "pending", label: "Pending Invoices Status", cell: integer"},
    { name: "billtype", label: "Billing Type", cell: "string"},
    { name: "totcost", label: "Total Cost", cell: "number"}, 
    { name: "totprice", label: "Total Price", cell: "number"}];
// define the parent columns
var columns = [
    { name: "subgrid", label: "", cell: "subgrid", optionValues : subcolumns},
    { name: "id", label: "ID", cell: "integer"},
    { name: "name", label: "Customer Name", cell: "string"},
    { name: "pop", label: "Population", cell: "integer"},
    { name: "percentage", label: "% of World Population", cell: "number"},
    { name: "date", label: "Date", cell: "date"},
    { name: "url", label: "URL", cell: "uri"},
    { name: "select", label: "", cell: "boolean"}];

The subgrid is called with the cell type: subgrid. A subgrid cell requires the user to supply both a subcolumn and a subcollection (similiar to how a grid requires a column and collection).

// intialize model
var Territory = Backbone.Model.extend({});
// intialize collection
var Territories = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: Territory,
  url: "examples/territories.json"
// masterview
var WorldView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: $("#territories-content"),
  initialize: function () {
    this.collection = new Directory(invoiceList);
    // sets the subcollection for each model
    for(var i = 0; i < this.collection.length; i++){
    // where masterSubList is an array of collections
      this.collection.models[i].set('subcollection', masterSubList[i]);
    this.columns = columns;
    this.render( columns );
  render: function () {
    // creates a grid
    this.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
        columns: this.columns,
        collection: this.collection
    // appends grid to view
var world = new WorldView();

Boom! This initializes a grid with subgrid.


Check it out here.