
Reverse engineering Tiller (gettiller.com) to work with linux / custom software

Primary LanguagePython


Reverse Engineering the Tiller Time Tracker

What is Tiller?



Because the hardware is top-notch, and I want to reuse it! I mean just check out this:

Machined aluminium - A precision machined aluminium dial perfectly meets your finger, giving a delightful tactility to using Tiller.

Precision bearing - Tiller uses a perfectly smooth rotary bearing, engineered to provide a satisfying resistance navigating between tasks.

Reliable USB - Tiller uses a hardwired connection to your computer, meaning always-on reliability and no batteries to charge.

Perfectly weighted - Tiller's weight, combined with its rubber pad, means that it stays put on your desk, right where you need it.


apt install libhidapi-libusb0
lsusb -vd 16d0:0de0 > lusb-descriptors.txt
sudo dmesg | grep 'Product: Tiller' | tail -n 1

  • HID Device (yay!)
    • 2 Interrupt endpoints
      • 0x01 EIP 1 OUT
        • 1 x 8 B
      • 0x92 EIP 2 IN
        • 1 x 10 B
  • ``


usb.core.USBError: [Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions)

  • Check user is in plugdev > groups $USER
  • sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="16d0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0de0", MODE="0666"
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger