
A calculator & data display for space things

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A page for gathering and working with interesting planetary data with the end-goal of acquiring interesting data for folks who aren't well-versed in planetary and orbital science. Created primarily because I wanted a page where I could get data easily without having to constantly do math.



  • Entering a radius returns a list of other values that can be calculated from the radius.
  • Entering mass will return the force of gravity in m/s^2 as well as the Earth-relative g-force.
  • Shows distance to the other major bodies in the solar system. Polls this data on page-load.

To-do List

  • Write in attribution for CC license on highcharts
  • Think of really cool ways to integrate highcharts
  • Brainstorm a way to show "viewable in your location now" page. Compare space things w/ weather & location (cities rule out dimmer objects, for example) to simply show you "what you can see from where you at"
  • Create a "slide mode" to rotate through slides with interesting data (for display purposes)
  • Add a slider for "radius"?
  • Add buttons for each planet measurement field to auto-fill that field with the value for a specific planet
  • Find more APIs with interesting data (solar data, satellite data, etc)

