
This is a very simple, very naive bot for sharing what songs a user is listening to on Mastodon by monitoring new scrobbles to that user's account.


  • a account
  • a Mastodon account
  • a YouTube API key

how to use

Either remix this on Glitch or git clone it or something.

The following information will need to be entered in a file called .env in the same location as index.js:

  • MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN: this is the access token for your bot. If you do not already have an access token for your bot on the Mastodon server you specify below then you can use the tool graciously provided at by Darius Kazemi to generate the credentials your bot will need.

  • MASTODON_API_URL: this is the base URI for accessing the Mastodon server's API endpoints (for example, my endpoint in the toot-lab is "").

  • LIBRE_FM_USERNAME: username for the account you would like to monitor for new scrobbles (for example, my username is "djsundog").

  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY: the bot will search the YouTube API for a video matching the artist and title for the song that was scrobbled. You will need an API key from YouTube in order for this to work. You can get a YouTube API key by following the steps at

You can compare your .env file's contents to the .env.sample file to ensure you have the right information in the right place.