
Response generator is a web application that simulates response times according to chosen distribution.

Primary LanguageCSS


Response generator is a web application that simulates response times according to chosen distribution.

Supported distributions are:

Each distribution have specific parameters by which you can manipulate the end response time in seconds. To each distribution we added a k parameter which shifts the end response time for k.


Response generator is designed to be used inside real application as a API call. Each distribution has it's own URL and accepts it's own parameters, parameter k and test=[true|false] parameter:

  • /uniform?a=1&b=2&k=3&test=true
  • /constant?c=1&test=true
  • /expo?lambda=1&k=0&test=true
  • /log?mu=1&sigma=2&k=0&test=true
  • /gamma?alpha=1&beta=2&k=0&test=true
  • /gauss?mu=10&sigma=2&k=0&test=true
  • /log?mu=1&sigma=2&k=0&test=true
  • /pareto?alpha=1&k=0&test=true
  • /weibull?alpha=1&beta=2&k=0&test=true

Use test=true if you want to just print the value.

Use test=false if you want to actually make a delay.


  • Gauss distribution has mu and sigma parameters and we want to just get the value:

  • Uniform distribution has a and b parameters and we want to make a delay:

  • Exponentional distribution has lambda parameter and we want to shift the end response time for 10 units and make a delay:


