How to set up

1 - Clone this repo (git clone this makes a copy of this folder on your computer

1a - Alternative, possibly easier, approach: click Clone or download on github, click Download ZIP, and unzip the file onto your desktop.

2 - Open up the terminal and navigate to the folder. (Something like cd ~/Desktop/little-eth-utils/ will be the command for this).

3 - Set up a .env file with contents like this:

export INFURA_KEY="63a4a18cc0f1234f9fef5cc1f56c6e01"
export MNEMONIC="bla bla bla bla your meta mask seed phrase here"
export USER_ADDRESS="0xab5801a7d398351b8be11c439e05c5b3259aec9b"
export NETWORK="mainnet"

4 - Run nvm use 8.11.2. You might need to install nvm first.

4a You might have to install some stuff like npm and node before this will work.

2b Get Homebrew (type ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" into the command line and press enter). To install node and npm, type brew update into the terminal and press enter, then type brew install node into the terminal and press enter. If everything goes well, you'll have all the fundamental tools.

5 - Run npm install

This will take a little while to run. It's OK if you get warnings, but if you get errors, you should ask someone about them.

How to use

A preliminary note on environment variables

In addition to what you cloned from github, you'll need another file in your directory to make this all work nicely: a .env file.

You can set stuff like export INFURA_KEY="<your_key_here>" in it, then enter . .env or source .env on the command line, and when you run one of the scripts below, the const INFURA_KEY = process.env.INFURA_KEY line at the top of the file will grab the value from your .env file and set it to the INFURA_KEY constant.

It's super reliable and it helps to protect your private info. If you're not certain whether your environment variables are causing you trouble, just try console logging them.

Logging a tokenURI to the console

Source your .env file by entering . .env

Type node log-token-uri.js <asset_contract_address> <token_id> and press enter. Wait a few seconds, and the tokenURI, if there is one, will print out.

Example command: node log-token-uri.js 0x79986af15539de2db9a5086382daeda917a9cf0c 20

Expected output:

Then go to the link that gets logged to see the asset's metadata.

Use alias l='cd ~/Desktop/stuff/little-eth-utils; source .env; node log-token-uri.js' in your bash profile for extra convenience. Then, you can just open a terminal window, type l <address> <id> and press enter.

Clearing a blocked transaction

Source your .env file by entering . .env

Type node clear-blocked.js <nonce_of_stuck_tx> <gas_price_in_gwei> and press enter. You can find the nonce of the stuck transaction on Etherscan. Use a gas price that's higher than the standard price on for best results.

Example command: node clear-blocked.js 2434 15

Expected output: Attempting to replace tx with nonce 1337. Using gas price 13.<tx_hash>

Then go to the link that gets logged to verify that the replacement transaction has been mined. The original stuck transaction should show that it was dropped and replaced.

Minting an NFT straight to a user

Source your .env file by entering . .env. This will only work if you have minting rights on the NFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS contract.

Type node mint-to-address.js <recipient_address> to send one token.

Type node mint-to-address.js <recipient_address> 5 to send five tokens.

Expected output: Minted creature. Transaction:<transaction_hash>

Use alias send='cd ~/Desktop/stuff/little-eth-utils; source .env; node mint-to-address.js' in your bash profile for extra convenience. Then, you can just open a terminal window, type send <address> and press enter.