Express Coding Challenge

The premise of this challenge is to see the approach you take to:

  • Use an ORM to interact with a simple database model
  • Create a basic routing mechanism for HTTP requests
  • Authenticate a user’s access to a route
  • Respond to a request in a consistent and logical manner
  • Test your work with both unit tests and integration tests.


  1. Use Sequelize or Mongoose to define:

    1.1. A User model which should have basic identifying information:

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Role (Acceptable entries: ‘student’, ‘academic’, ‘administrator’)
    • Password.

    1.2. An Institution model which stores information about a school:

    • Name
    • URL
    • Email domain.

    1.3. A Book model which stores information about books:

    • ISBN
    • Title
    • Author.

    1.4. Relationships between Users and Institutions, and Books and Institutions (Consider #4.3 in the relationships you create).

  2. Use Express to respond to requests.

  3. Create a test suite which includes code coverage, to unit and integration test the routes you’ve created.

  4. Create routes:

    4.1 POST /users/signin Use the passport library to authenticate a user and respond with a successful message that uses the JSend framework

    4.2 POST /users/create Creates a user and based on the user’s email domain links them to an institution. Denies creation of a user if their domain does not exist.

    4.3 GET /books Once authenticated, responds with a JSON object containing a list of Books that the user has access to via their Institution.

  5. (Optional) Provide a Postman collection which performs some basically functionality on the routes you've created.

Things to keep in mind

  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Consistency
  • Testing.

Running this application

You can run the application by typing: npm install followed by npm start

The structure of this repository

The structure of this repository should be relatively self-explanatory. Use the appropriate directory for your code. A basic example has been provided for the index route.