
Temporal Sub-sampling of Audio Feature Sequences for Audio Captioning DCASE 2020 challenge

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Temporal Sub-sampling of Audio Feature Sequences for Audio Captioning

Code for the paper Temporal Sub-sampling of Audio Feature Sequences for Automated Audio Captioning [Khoa Nguyen, Konstantinos Drossos, Tuomas Virtanen]. Set up the project by following the instructions from the baseline method repository https://github.com/audio-captioning/dcase-2020-baseline.

To conduct an experiment using the sub-sampling for Audio Captioning, run

python main.py -c main_settings -j 0 -d <path_to_settings> -v 

with path_to_setting being the path to the directory that contains .yaml files, e.g. settings/baseline.

Settings for the sub-sampling method

The file settings/subsampling4/no_attn_lr_1e-4_loss_thr_1e-3/model.yaml holds the settings for the baseline DNN:

use_pre_trained_model: No
    input_dim_encoder: 64
    hidden_dim_encoder: 256
    output_dim_encoder: 256
    dropout_p_encoder: .25
    sub_sampling_factor_encoder: 4
    output_dim_h_decoder: 256
    nb_classes:  # Empty, to be filled automatically.
    dropout_p_decoder: .25
    max_out_t_steps: 22
    mode: 0 # mode 0 for no attention, mode 1 for attention
    num_attn_layers: 0 # number of layers if using attention
    first_attn_layer_output_dim: 0

The use_pre_trained_model flag indicates if a pre-trained model will be used. If this flag is set to Yes, then the name of the file with the weights of the pre-trained model has to be specified in the settings/dirs_and_files.yaml file.

The encoder block has the settings for the encoder of the sub-sampling DNN:

  • the input dimensionality to the first layer of the encoder - input_dim_encoder
  • the hidden output dimensionality of the first and second layers of the encoder - hidden_dim_encoder
  • the output dimensionality of the third layer of the encoder - output_dim_encoder
  • the dropout probability for the encoder - dropout_p_encoder
  • the sub-sampling factor for the encoder - sub_sampling_factor_encoder

Similarly, the decoder block holds the settings for the decoder of the baseline DNN:

  • the output dimensionality of the RNN of the decoder - output_dim_h_decoder
  • the amount of classes for the classifier (it is filled automatically by the baseline system) - nb_classes
  • the dropout probability for the decoder - dropout_p_decoder
  • the maximum output time-steps for the decoder - max_out_t_steps
  • mode 0 for no attention in the decoder, mode 1 for using attention - mode
  • number of linear layers if using attention - num_attn_layers
  • the output dimensionality of the first layer in the attention mechanism first_attn_layer_output_dim