- 2
- 3
- 4
7. LearnedFTL: A Learning-based Page-level FTL for Reducing Double Reads in Flash-based SSDs
#10 opened by min-seong-kim - 11
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- 1
9. We Ain't Afraid of No File Fragmentation: Causes and Prevention of Its Performance Impact on Modern Flash SSDs
#12 opened by busanlinux - 0
- 7
5. Design Tradeoffs for SSD Reliability
#7 opened by Student5421 - 7
6. MiDAS: Minimizing Write Amplification in Log-Structured Systems through Adaptive Group Number and Size Configuration
#8 opened by 9seon - 7
3. DFTL: a flash translation layer employing demand-based selective caching of page-level address mappings
#6 opened by busanlinux - 12
2. A Reconfigurable FTL (Flash Translation Layer) Architecture for NAND Flash-Based Applications
#4 opened by 9seon - 4
4. Design Tradeoffs for SSD Performance
#5 opened by min-seong-kim - 6
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[test] Presenter
#1 opened by neokkk