
This is a DNS proxy server, made with pain and a bit of c.

Main idea: accept connections, read queries, if domain name in blacklist queried - return refused, otherwise ask top server (on code and config named as boss server) and return what it responds.


libevent-dev needed for building, also this code is not supported on windows. After cloning , in cloned directory command "gcc -Wall main.c -L. -levent -lm -levent_core -lpthread -levent_pthreads -O3 -o oh_no" can be used to create executable file and command "./oh_no" to execute that file.


With start of program you can query this dns server, for example by command "dig @ -p 53 google.com"

When the program starts, it will also recognize config, such as top server and blacklist, which can be changed if it happens as in the example.

Used libraries





Some proofs

Blacklisted: Used dig to ask something from server

To top server forwarded: