
https://adventofcode.com/ my solutions in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskell

Includes my repos for 2020 and 2021 years.

New year, new day

I used stack for years before 2023. Starting from 2023 I decided to move to nix + cabal. This combination is better by many reasons check this. And it becomes simple enough to start using it. Especially after I found this great template.

So how to use it: start from ./newday.sh script. Like this:

./newday.sh 2023 01

It builds directory 2023/day01 and prepares new template and adds newly created files to repo. After this just use: nix build to build project, nix deveelop to start console in the same environment where project is built. To run program use `./result/bin/day01-exe input-test'. That's it.