[Neurips 2024] A Multi-Granularity Patching Transformer for Medical Time-Series Classification
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 7
TDBRAIN_participants_V2.tsv file
#10 opened by Xi-Mu-Yu - 2
Hello, if I want to run the Medformer model on a dataset consisting of 2000 csv tables, how should I proceed, and how should I modify your code?
#9 opened by lindouer - 7
attention issue
#7 opened by nanshen308 - 4
- 8
Questions about your paper
#6 opened by dyhan316 - 2
- 4
A few questions about Medformer
#4 opened by lindouer - 4
Improve the model
#3 opened by lindouer - 1
can you write a.py file for inference.
#2 opened by lindouer - 4
cannot distinguish the difference between the execution results of these two run.py commands.
#1 opened by jenovasephiroth